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The next morning found the Horsemen up before everyone else, all four of them practicing their skills by sparring each other. Percy was paired with Janette, water against air, while Carter and Ali sat and refereed, their match having just ended.
The match started simply enough. Percy rolled his wrists, sending his two swords twirling in a circle, while Janette stood across from him, waiting patiently.
"Once you're done trying to look impressive I'm right over here waiting," Janette called out, which sent Carter and Ali into fits of laughter.
Percy grinned, not letting the insult effect him. He strode forward casually, once again sending his twin swords twirling. Janette lowered herself into a stance as Percy got closer to her, both ready to start. Percy struck first, sending one blade cutting down from an overhead cut while simultaneously jabbing with the second sword. The move was used to distract the opponent with one attack while the second attack finished the fight, but this was no normal warrior Percy was fighting. Janette flicked Percy's jab aside with a quick swipe of her sword while she encased her hand in hardened air and pushed up, effectively knocking aside his overhead cut. She then turned her blade so that it was pointed at the ground with the flat side turned towards Percy, thrusting it into the ground to produce a wave of air that propelled Percy backwards. Percy used the air to gain altitude, then he tilted himself so that he was pointed at Janette and used the water in the air to push him straight at her like he was stuck in a current in the ocean. Percy flew towards his friend, one sword held so that it pointed straight at her and the other held so that it supported the first. Janette waited until Percy was a second away from hitting her before leaping backwards, flying 10 feet in the single leap. As soon as she landed she rushed back at Percy, who had quickly righted himself after he had crashed into the ground with enough force to shatter every bone in a normal man's body. Percy spun his swords so that he held it in reverse position, the blades running along his forearms. He waited until Janette was right on top of him before snapping his hand forward to crush her fingers with one of his sword's hilt. Janette dropped her sword, cursing as she nursed her bruised hand. Percy capitalized on the advantage, springing forward to slice with both of his swords. Janette sidestepped, neatly avoiding the first slice, and then she used her hardened air to catch and hold onto the second blade. Percy jerked the sword she held towards him, pulling her off-balance for a second. He tried to use that momentum to throw her over his shoulder, but she had another idea. As she was pulled forward, Janette leapt a bit so that her feet landed on Percy's chest, using his solid body as a springboard to propel her as she pushed off of him. As she flew away she sliced both hands in an x, knocking the swords out of Percy's hands and blasting him back.
Percy stumbled backwards, pinwheeling his arms to keep his balance as he stumbled towards the edge of the forest. Finally regaining his balance, Percy looked at the clearing where they had set up their camp. His swords lay twenty feet in front of him, Janette's lay ten feet away from them, and Janette stood right in between them. Moving with lightening speed, Percy rushed towards his swords, but just as he reached the they were covered by a rock mound. He looked towards Ali angrily, only to see her wagging her finger at them like she was admonishing them for misbehaving.
"Hand-to-hand only from now on!" She called happily, content in her role as referee.
Percy and Janette eyed each other, trying desperately to remember if they had ever seen the other fight with just their hands. They knew that the other knew how, Chaos had made them learn every type of fighting ever invented, but they couldn't recall an instance where they had seen them use those skills. Finally deciding that the only thing to do was to attack, Percy stepped forward so that he was close to Janette. He placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip, almost like he was going to dance with her, but instead of dancing, Percy lifted so that he was holding her over his head. With a heave, he threw the surprised Horsemen away from him, sending her tumbling through the air. Janette flipped head over toes through the air, still trying to figure out what had just happened. She was able to use the wind to stop herself from tumbling through the air, landing lightly on her feet fifteen feet from where Percy was. She saw him tense up which told her that he was about to rush. Pushing her right foot back and the left forward, Janette tensed every muscle in her body in preparation for what she was about to do. Percy sprinted towards his friend, pumping his legs with every ounce of muscle he had spent years building up in his legs. As he neared her he saw her tense, but he was going too fast to avoid what was about to hit him. He watched as she pushed her right foot back giving her a wider stance to make it harder to knock her down. Then, Janette placed her hands out in front of her, palms facing Percy, tensing every muscle in her arms. Percy ran straight into her outstretched arms, feeling as they smashed into his chest with enough force to kill a normal man, and then he felt them grip his shoulder and stomach, using his momentum to lift him over Janettes head and towards the ground. Grabbing her arms right before she let him go, Percy pulled Janette with him. They both tumbled head over heel, finally landing in a heap twelve feet from where they had started. They both panted, tired from the sparring, unaware that Janette was currently laying with her head on Percy's chest and her leg thrown over his, almost laying on top of him.
They finally caught their breath, both wondering why Carter and Ali were laughing so hard. It took a full minute before Janette registered the warm body pressed underneath her, she could feel his heartbeat on her back beating slightly faster because of their recent exercise.
Springing to her feet, accidentally stepping on Percy's ankle in her hurry, Janette stammered an apology as her face suffused with blood and heat. Percy blinked, completely oblivious to why everyone was acting so weird. He watched in confusion as Janette stumbled away from him, heading towards the woods still sprouting random apologizes.
"I don't get it? why was she apologizing?"
Carter and Ali stopped laughing long enough to look at him. They were so shocked to find that he was serious that they burst back into laughter, which really annoyed Percy.
"Oh god," Carter gasped as he caught his breath, "You really are clueless, aren't you."
Percy stared at his friend, still confused and a little angry too. "Will someone please tell me what is happening?"
"Nope," Ali grinned maniacally, "It's not our secret to tell, sorry."
"Fine, than I'm going to go take a swim to calm down, come get me if anything happens."

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