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Percy sat with Carter, watching as the two girls sparred. Allis ran forward, doing a flip to land behind the other girl, expecting to catch her unawares and easily win. Janette easily blocked the other girls knife strike, pushing it up with ease with her sword.
Each of them had been able to choose their weapons the other day after regaining their memories. After the sleepless night that had come from finding out that you were as old as the Earth, they had gotten up to find a note for each of them. This was the first word they had gotten from Chaos after she had said goodnight to them in each of their rooms. The note was short and simple, telling them to follow the light that was hovering outside of their doors. After a semi long trek, they met up at a strange building. Inside stood Chaos.

"I understand that some of you lost weapons, and others do not wish to keep theirs because of the memories they carry. Because of this, you may choose whichever weapon you want to out of the ones you see before you," she had then disappeared, leaving them alone in a room full of deadly objects.

They had rummaged among the various weapons, each looking for something they liked. The first to find their weapon was Allis, who had chosen a pair of daggers. The blades were the size of her hand, and the handles added a few inches to the weapons. They had a beautiful design of flames creeping up the blade, and when she had spun them in her hands, it had glowed a deep red. Curious, Allis had pressed it to the wall, leaving an imprint of the blade on the stone. She had grinned wickedly, obviously pleased with her choice.

The next to find their weapon had been Carter, after a few minutes of searching he had held up a curved sword, much like his original. He admired the blade, twisting it left and right to catch the light. When he had brought it down in an overhead cut, it had let out a thin line of light that flew forward and cut straight through a box. He had grinned at the blade, murmuring something in Egyptian.

After Carter came Janette, who had found a beautiful sword. A blue stone was set in the pommel, with a dragon curled around it bite its own tail. Two dragons made the guard, and their tails twisted an inch up the blade, before giving way to the sharpened edges. When she had picked it up, it began to glow and give off a low hum. The dragons had opened their eyes, and given off a low hiss that only Janette seemed to understand.

Finally Percy had found his weapon. He had searched trough three quarters of the weapons before finding a pair of matched swords, that had two sea green jewels set into the pommel. The blades were deep black, seeming to swirl hypnotically. They also gave off a feeling of despair, but as soon as Percy had touched the blades he knew they were his. They seemed to be unnaturally light, almost as if they were parts of him instead of blades. He spun them with ease, cutting straight through three steel spikes set near the wall. He grinned and decided to name them Αιώνια and Νίκη, or Eternal and Victory.
The next day they had decided to spar some, starting with Allis and Janette. Percy still wasn't sure what to make of Allis, she seemed so antisocial and yet Percy had seen her watching them with a yearning in her eyes. He thought that she was probably lonely, and he hated when people were lonely.

He watched in amusement as Janette spun, keeping her arms loose, whipping her blade in a tight circle. This caused Allis to leap back so that she wasn't cut in half, letting Janette catch a quick break. She quickly crouched, ready for Allis. They flew back at each other, seeming as if they wanted to take the others head of.

They exchanged multiple blows, it was never clear who had the upper hand. One second Janette would be driving Allis back, about to win, and the next Allis would be flipping over Janette's head, avoiding her blade and nearly slicing Janette from head to toe. In the end, neither of them won.
Janette had just done a very risky move, throwing her blade into the air and catching it with a hand behind her back, when Chaos appeared. She appeared right as Allis threw her dagger, and it seemed that Chaos was about to be skewered. All four of them instantly leaped into action; Allis ran forward, Carter shouted something in Egyptian, Janette shouted something in Chinese, and Percy reached out to control the water molecules around the dagger to stop it. Instead, the eager blade just disappeared and reappeared a second later in Allis's hands. Chaos dropped her hand, having been a few seconds faster than her four warriors.

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