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Central Park sat peacefully in the dying hours of the day. The sun shone on the famous park, illuminating how beautiful this little slice of nature truly was. On a normal day the park would be filled with people, laughing and playing among the trees, but today was an unusual day. The people say inside, anxiously watching their TVs to see if another attack had occurred. For the past three weeks, random people would be found dead, torn apart. The police could find no logical reason for the deaths, it was almost like a savage beast had done it.

The people, being overtaken by fear, had fled to the safety of their homes, hoping that the familiar walls would save them from the fate of so many unlucky victims. However, the day was just starting to get weird. If there had been any people in the park, they would have been amazed to see four people appear out of nowhere, accompanied with the smell of saltwater, burning leaves, fresh dirt, and a waft of air.

"Good, there isn't anyone around. We should find a place to set up camp, and start figuring out the best way to train the new people," Percy said, leading the others towards a secluded part of the park where they could set up camp.

The four Horsemen got to work, pulling their magical tent out. Allis and Carter started to set that up, while Percy and Janette moved into the woods to get firewood. When they returned to the camp they saw that the other two had just finished putting up the tent, and where now setting up defenses.

Percy nodded towards the two, "Go and help them, I've got this," he told Janette, who smiled at him before jogging over to start her own defenses. Percy couldn't help but smile at her retreating back, remembering how close they had grown over the few years that they had known each other.

Janette had proved to be one of the kindest people Percy had ever met, always able to make him smile, but she had also proved to be an amazing warrior. These three people had become the three most important people in Percy's life, proving that the were willing to die for Percy just as much as he was for them.

"Done!" Carter shouted proudly, indicating the shining dome that now encompassed the small camp. Even as Percy watched, he could see the dome start to fade into transparency. The dome would let Horsemen in and out, but would stop anyone else that fryer to enter.

Percy smiled at his enthusiastic friend, watching as he begun to celebrate for no reason. "You're a weirdo," Janette laughed as Carter spin her in a circle, before moving on to Allis when Janette didn't join his dance.

Carter grinned at Janette, making him look slightly crazy. "Maybe, but it's better to be weird than boring like Percy over there," Carter jerked his head in Percy's direction, who had been watching the little scene in amusement.

"Better to be normal and boring than to be dancing around with my fly open!" Percy shouted back, grinning when Carter helped and scrambled to fix his fly. The girls burst into laughter, Allis actually leaning against a tree for support.

"Hey, it's not that funny," Carter protested, still beet red.

Janette wiped a tear away from her eye, still giggling. "Oh but it is, your face was so red!"

Carter was about to retort, when a girl stumbled into the clearing outside of the dome. She couldn't see them, but they could see her, and she was badly hurt.

Carter, Janette, and Allis all scrambled towards the dome, intent on helping the girl, but Percy put a hand out to stop them. "Don't," he warned, nodding his hand to the white sword clutched in the girls hand and the knife strapped to her leg. "We don't know her, and she has no idea who we are. If she feels threatened, she could try to kill us."

The four Horsemen watched as the girl leaned against a tree, breathing heavily. Her face was obscured by the hood on a cloak that she wore, letting just a bit of blonde hair slip out. For some reason, Percy felt like he knew the girl.

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