Chapter 3

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A good while has passed since my last meeting with Angela. Thanks to social media, both of us knew what was going on with the other, so there wasn't any reason to worry. Talking to her felt good and going back and forth was a lot of fun as well, especially during work when she tried her best to be serious. Today I woke to a text from Angela inviting me over to her hotel room which was quite a surprise to say the very least. It broke me out of my tired state instantly, my head trying to make sense of this invitation before attempting a clear reply to her.

Me:" Hey,

I'd love to come over. Just let me shower and get some grub before that. I'm hungry."

Angela sent a few emojis, telling me that she was fine with it and making me smile as I headed towards the bathroom. She was something else compared to the ladies I've seen around town before, so I was sure today was going to be a lot of fun once more. However, it felt like she had a different plan in mind and by the tone of our last call, Angela was going for something. It was only a matter of time until I would get to know what her big plan was. During the shower, those thoughts didn't leave my mind whatsoever. I didn't know why and now I was nervous about it. Usually the people that I built a friendship with were humorous and silly more often than not, but everything had a different vibe with Angela. Sighing after a few minutes, I rinsed off the shampoo, got it out of my hair and dried off before getting dressed again, taking it easy with my outfit.

Me:" I better keep my guard up. Whatever Angela has planned, I won't go down without a fight."

And with that, I grabbed my phone, the room key and my sunglasses before heading out to get some breakfast. I was sure I'd need the energy one way or another.

In the early afternoon, I found myself in the hallway of the floor below me. It was time to see Angela again and hopefully have an entertaining time somehow. I knocked at the door and waited for a moment before it opened and the naturally curvy aussie welcomed me.

 I knocked at the door and waited for a moment before it opened and the naturally curvy aussie welcomed me

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Angela:" Oh hey, you actually made it."

Me:" I'm a man of my word, Angela. I can't ghost someone."

Angela:" Riiiight right. Come on in, we have a lot of time to ourselves."

I was cautious of that statement, but nodded and headed inside while Angela smiled and followed me. Her room looked quite different compared to mine, but I didn't push it to be honest as we sat down across from each other. Truth be told, my worries washed away for the most part as Angela poured me a drink. She seemed to enjoy the finer things in life, but I didn't mind either.

Me:" So where would you like to start?"

Angela:" Well, you obviously know me from porn. Have you ever shot any?"

Me:" I did some homemade stuff along with being a fill in about three times thus far. But no luck in getting with bigger studios. I'm happy at the point I reached so far though."

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