3 | for more than a couple seconds, oh, I think maybe two

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CHAPTER THREEand I remember that fight,two-thirty A

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and I remember that fight,
two-thirty A.M.

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IF THERE WAS one thing that Luna didn't expect to wake up to, it was shouting voices.

Luna's eyes fluttered open, blinking blearily through the darkness of her room. Her eyebrows knit in confusion as she pushed herself up onto her elbow from how she had been laying on her stomach. In her practically still-sleeping state, she tried to focus on the source of the shouting voices. It wasn't long after that she realized the voices were coming from her living room, and belonged to two very familiar people.

Foolish and Mary Jane.

That shocked Luna out of some of her sleepiness. Foolish and Mary Jane had arguments, sure, but they never turned into screaming matches — not like this. Their argument echoed throughout the entire house, and there was no doubt in Luna's mind that the neighbors could hear them, too.

She reached over onto her nightstand and tapped on her phone screen to see the time. Luna winced slightly from the bright screen before her eyes adjusted. The time read two-thirty A.M. How they hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet, Luna didn't know. She also didn't know how long this argument had been going on, but considering that she was unhappy to have been woken up, Luna knew that others would come rolling in and tell them to be quiet sooner or later.

As much as she didn't want to step in between them right now, Luna wanted to stop this fight before things got too heated. She pushed herself out of her bed, instantly shivering from the lack of warmth from her covers. Luna crossed her arms across her chest in effort to keep some warmth and opened her door, stumbling down the dark stairs slightly. She blinked a couple of times from the living room light, her eyes adjusting again, before she saw the scene in front of her.

Foolish and Mary Jane were standing in the kitchen, facing each other with rigid statures. Mary Jane had her hands on her hips, her head tilted up to look at him. Luna couldn't see her face, but she was sure that fire in her eyes was blazing brighter than ever. Foolish, who Luna could see, had no twinkle in his eyes like he normally did. His jaw was clenched slightly and his hair seemed ruffled, probably from him running his hands through it. Foolish was wearing his pair of worn-out jeans and Mary Jane was in a short skirt — Luna vaguely recalled Mary Jane going over to Foolish's once he ended stream to talk like Luna suggested. They must've gone out somewhere and come back to Luna's house where everything exploded.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now