12 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between

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CHAPTER TWELVEyou've ruined my life by notbeing mine

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you've ruined my life by not
being mine

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LUNA HAD PRACTICALLY just started her stream. She had minimal plans for the day, which was fine. Currently, she was planning on just talking to her chat and watching some YouTube videos until she had to play Valorant with Foolish, Tina, Sykkuno, and Miyoung. Considering her stream started about five minutes ago, she was in the talking to her chat portion, catching up with her community and waiting for some more people to roll in.

"No, I'm telling you guys, Better Than the Movies was actually one of the best books I have ever read," Luna announced, moving some of her hair off of her shoulder to rest on her back. "But, honestly, I could just be saying that because I'm a sucker for a good romance novel. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm such a Lix Buxbaum. Either way, I highly recommend." She cleared her throat for a moment, watching her chat agree with her or say that they'll add it to their reading list. "I actually have a lot of books that I want to read. Jodi, aka QuarterJade, actually gave me a whole list of books when she saw my Tweet asking for recommendations, which was so sweet. I fucking love that girl. Jodi's the best."

Luna paused for a moment, waiting for new messages. As she did so, her heart warmed. Of course, Luna got her fair share of hate — it was standard now in the industry she was in. However, her chat was mostly so welcoming and nice to her, her friends, and the new people who happened to show up. It was probably the most rewarding thing about streaming.

"You should play with Jodi more," Luna read out loud. "I want to. That would be so much fun. If it's Valorant though . . . she would definitely frag out, and I would be her cheerleader. I'll be her pocket Sage."

Through her headphones, interrupting her slightly, came the sound of her alert, saying that someone just subscribed with their Twitch Prime. Luna glanced over at the sound, and smiled softly once she saw who it was from and the message with it.

Foolish_Gamers just subscribed!
hi lunes :D

"Hi, Foosh," Luna greeted. "Thanks for the Prime."

At once, her chat went absolutely crazy. They spammed Foolish's name with a ton of emotes, mostly of them showing their love. That was another thing about Luna and Foolish's friendship — their respective chats loved each other. Foolish's chat would spam whenever Luna showed up and vice versa. Luna even recalled once that she saw someone from her chat met some of their best friends from Foolish's chat. Words couldn't describe how happy it made Luna to see that their friendship caused friendships.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now