8 | but he knows her name, she knows he'll always be there

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CHAPTER EIGHThe was sunshine, I was midnightrain

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he was sunshine, I was midnight

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IN ORDER TO make Luna feel slightly better, Karl had offered that they switch TV shows. So now, instead of watching Over the Garden Wall like they had been originally, Stranger Things was playing — one of Luna's favorite shows. Luna now had her back pressed up against Karl's left arm and her legs thrown over Nolan's lap, still occasionally eating the Oreos Karl had given her.

"Do you think we would survive in Stranger Things?" Karl asked, watching Max and Eleven run around the Starcourt Mall.

"Absolutely not," Luna answered immediately. "I would be the first to die. MJ and I would definitely go down together."

"Give me Steve's bat and I would win," Nolan said, taking an Oreo from the package resting on Luna's stomach.

Luna thought it over for a moment. "I think you probably would survive a pretty long time. Karl . . . I don't know, actually."

Suddenly, over Material Girl playing from the TV, a knock on the door sounded throughout the house before the door opened. Luna sat up a little, now no longer leaning against Karl's arm, and looked towards the door only to see Foolish walking in and shutting the door behind him. She pointedly ignored the stares that Nolan and Karl gave her and swung her legs off of Nolan's lap.

"Hi, Foosh," Luna greeted. "We're watching Stranger Things if you want to join."

Foolish nodded. "Cool."

Luna watched as he came over to the couch. "Are you and MJ not hanging out anymore? Or did she just not want to come?"

"Uh, both. She's just still at your guys' house." Foolish sat down on the couch next to Karl. "But, um . . . we broke up."

That was the second thing Luna hadn't expected to hear today — the first being everything Karl and Nolan told her earlier. Luna's eyes immediately widened in shock. Somehow, even through all the arguments and tension they had, she hadn't seen that coming. Maybe it was because she had just gotten so used to see Mary Jane and Foolish together that the thought of them being separated was just plain weird. And yes, Luna knows she constantly wished she was in Mary Jane's place and wondered why Foolish was with a girl like that (no offense to Mary Jane in that sentence at all), but this was jarring.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄  ―  foolish_gamers  ✓Where stories live. Discover now