Chapter 2

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Picture is Jace!


**Gemma's P.O.V**

"Ughhh, Where am I?" I say in a groggy voice. I think I have a sore throat because my words had to be forced out. I am laying down in what feels like the seat of a car.

All I know is that I am not in school anymore. I am too scared to open my eyes. I don't even know why I'm in this car type atmosphere?! I must sound so childish for not wanting to open my eyes. Well I'm panicking! I don't know what to do. Breathe, that would be a good start. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

I remember the janitor pulling me into the closet but nothing after that. What if I'm still with him, what if I never finish high school and can't ever go to college! Maybe opening my eyes would be my best option right now.

I look at the person beside me and look at Jace Cruz, also known as Mr. Not-So-Nice-Guy. He is really good looking but that is part of why he is the most popular. I think he is attractive but my life will be a lot better if I avoid him and any other player type guys also.

I see that we are parked in an abandoned K-Mart parking lot that closed down a few months ago.

I look down to see that I am wearing my shirt like a blanket, off of me! I then slowly move my eyes down scared to see if I still had pants on. Luckily I did.

I screamed once I saw the worst part. My wrists were black and blue with really swollen handprints on them! I looked at Jace with a face I couldn't even describe. All he did was give me a pity look and look down at his lap.

He still had his clothes on and was putting the car into drive, a pretty nice car I might add, but what do you expect from the most popular guy in school, he has money...

"W-what happened," I say almost crying. I really have no idea what happened and I feel like I might burst into tears from not knowing. I'm sure no one wants to wake up half naked and wonder why there are bruises on their wrists.

"Yes I will explain what I know when we get somewhere more comfortable," he said like he cared. I mean honestly he doesn't give a crap about me. So I really don't understand what he is doing with me.

He starts to drive off to who knows where, "Where are you taking me?"

"We are going to stop at the gas station to get you some ice for your wrists and neck," he says with a monotone voice.

"My neck?" I reach up to touch my neck, once I touched it, it stung like a thousand needles were in my neck. I gave him a confused look but he wasn't paying attention, he had his eyes on the road. My neck hurt so much, but why? I wish I could look at-

Oh wait! I can! I pull down the visor and flip open the mirror. I tilted my head up to look at my neck, I gasped at what I saw.

Unlike my wrist that consisted of the colors black and blue, my neck had those colors plus a yellowish and purple! I couldn't believe what I was seeing it looked like someone had choked me!

"What happened to my neck! I screamed at Jace, "Did you do this to me you psycho!" it hurt to scream like that and I instantly regretted it. I started to cough it hurting every time, my eyes started to water.

"No way, I swear I didn't hurt you, I saved you," He said in a hurry looking at me with wide eyes.

Oddly enough I believed him, some part of me just really doesn't think he would hurt me. I'm not saying I have a crush on him, because I obviously don't, and I don't trust this guy with one ounce of my heart or soul, but I do believe him when he says he didn't hurt me.

"How did you save me? What happened to me?" I asked him. He better start speaking up, because I'm about ready to jump out of this car.

He just gave me another one of his pity looks, "I promise I will explain everything in a little bit, I don't want to keep you waiting but this isn't the type of place to talk."

"Fine, but don't expect me to trust you," when I looked at him I swear I could see a hurt look in his eyes, but he just kept driving keeping his bright blue eyes on the road.

I tried to cover up as I much as I could with my shirt. Which wasn't that hard since all of my shirts are over-sized on me. I was just still a little uncomfortable being like this. Jace reached in the back seat and grabbed something.

I didn't realize what he was trying to give me at first. It was when he placed his lettermen's jackets over me when I realized he was trying to help.

Maybe the guy that bumped into me in the hallway isn't such a jerk. Maybe the school's player has a heart.


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Song of the chapter: Don't Stop Believing by. Journey

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