Chapter 15

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Gemma P.O.V

I woke up again and found myself in the same white room again. I was just exhausted of everything. When I woke up the last time Jace wasn't there. He still isn't here this time either. I told the doctors to not let him see me. I can't let that hooded guy think I didn't take his threat serious, because I have no doubt in my mind he was serious.

Last time I woke up the doctor also said I have a very serious concussion and that I need a lot of rest. Every time I go to sleep I always dream about the guy in the black hoodie. The doctor said I would be questioned when I wake again, so I guess basically now. I don't know if I want to say what happened though.

The guy never said to not say anything but I sure he would still hurt either Jace or I for telling. It's kind of a given to not say anything when someone threatens you that you shouldn't tell the police.

Nurse Haley walked in and gave me some medication for my headaches. She is my favorite nurse, she always had a look of concern for me but never asked any questions knowing I didn't want to talk.

"That boy that brought you here has been waiting in the waiting room for days, dear," She said with not much emotion, "I just felt the need to tell you." With that she started to walk out of my room. I honestly felt bad for not talking to him, I was doing this for his safety though.

"Wait," I said. She looked back at my with confusion and concern. I hadn't talked to any of the nurses so I guess I might have been a shock.

I continued, "Could you tell him that I'm okay and that he needs to leave...and that I have a reason?" I asked. I need him to know something, I cant just leaving him in the dark like this. It isn't healthy for him to stay here.

She nodded without asking questions and left the room. I sighed and looked out the window next to me. It was left open for me because I think they noticed my trying to look out before. There wasn't much of a view. I was on the first floor, there was a bush right in front of the window and across the street was a small shop, I think it was for bikes and skateboards or something like that.

I tried to fall back to sleep but my doctor and two police officers came in before I got the chance.

"Hello Gemmeria, how are you feeling?" my doctor asked.

I smiled widely squeezing my eyes shut with a thumbs up. Then I went back into my emotionless stare to the police officers. I recognized one of the officers from when I got questioned about my dad. He gave my a sympathetic smile. I looked at the other officer and he held pity in his eyes. You could tell they were trying to stay professional but I had an extra sense when it came to emotions.

"I don't want your pity," I growled at the officers. They instantly looked guilty while the doctor just looked confused.

"Well I will wait outside, I would like you to tell me when the questioning is done," the doctor said to the officer that I recognized, "We have to run a few tests on her."

"Of course." He said nodding.

The doctor left and the two officers took a seat next to me. They introduced themselves. The one I recognized was Detective Burns. The other one he was Officer Moode. It was pronounced 'mood'. I actually thought that was quite interesting. Anyway....

They asked me dumb personal questions, maybe they thought I lost my memory or something? I guess when I have a giant bandage on my head it looked like could have some serious brain damage. I could use that to my advantage. I will just say I don't remember anything that happened. I will make them think I accidentally fell or something.

"Gemmeria?" Officer Moode asked.

I guess I must of dozed off for a while. "Sorry, I was just trying to remember what happened," I lied smoothly.

"Are you saying you don't remember what happened?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't seem to remember." I said.

They looked at each other before writing something on their note pads.

"Miss, there was a cameras in the fair ground that we were looking through, were you in the 'Asylum of Nightmare'? He asked.

I pretended that I has just remembered, which probably looked like I had just won the lottery or something. "OH! I remember! I went in there after my fight with Jace, the boy that brought me here," then I acted as if I was sad.

"What is wrong miss?" Detective Burns asks with a concerned expression.

"It's just I don't seem to remember what happened after I went in there." I honestly didn't have to act sad though, even though I remember what happened I am still upset with the whole situation. I would never think in a million years this would happen to me.

"Would this Jace boy hurt you?" Detective Burns asked. I guess mentioning the fight was a bad idea, whoops.

"NO! He would never hurt me sir." I said. I was being honest, Jace would never hurt me.

They shared another glance each other. Detective Burned nodded to Officer Moode and then Officer Moode pulled out a folder from his bag.

Officer Moode then spoke to me in a very serious tone, "There was a camera at the exit of the Asylum, we got footage of you, what I am about to show you may cause you to become upset." I just nodded and reached my hand out. I had to see the picture. Maybe they got his face in the picture.

He handed me the picture and I gasped when I saw it. I could feel fear travel from my toes to my throat.

The picture have my being dragged to the other room, I can't even describe my face, I looked like I was in so much pain yet I was still scared for my life. The man in the hood had his head lowered so you couldn't see his face but you could see a tattoo on his wrist. It looked faintly familiar yet I have never seen it in my life. I have never actually seen a tattoo on someone's wrist. I know it sound crazy but I just hadn't.

It was in fancy letters, it was a G and an S with an F in the middle. That must be their initials. I made the tattoo become a permanent memory in my mind. I want to do more digging on it.

I give back the picture and ask if I can rest now. They said they would let me know if they find out any leads on the case and left. Its not like I was really needing rest, I just needed time to think. I did know what happed to me and everything, but I guess just seeing it made it a little different for me.

It made everything about the situation different. It made it feel more real. This is reality, this is happening and there is nothing I can do about it.

....GFS.....who could that even be??


Hi, I just wanted to ask how your day was.....?

Should I start saying the amount of words I write? ;p

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