Chapter 14

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This is Gemma's P.O.V.


My mind is going a billion miles an hour. I'm reliving my whole life over and over again in a matter of seconds. Just flashes of my life are floating in front of me. It's almost like I'm time traveling.

Right now I'm at my fifth birthday. The last birthday I had with my father with us as a whole family. They are all smiling at me singing happy birthday. My moms eyes are blood shot but she was on one of her good days and my dad took his pills to control his anger.

I blew out my candles and everyone clapped, but no one knew that that five year old girl wished for a different family. A different life...

My parents were only good people on special occasions. I think it's about time I say why my parents are the way they are.

My dad had really bad anger issues and he took it out on my mom. He hit her nonstop day after day and I felt horrible for not doing anything. It had been happening since I was three.

My mom never went to the police because she always said he loved her. She started getting addicted to drugs so the pain would go away. She was constantly high. She still managed to do the house chores and take care of me. She was a stay at home mom.

My dad worked at a repair shop a lot but would go to a club, gamble and get drunk.

One day he took it to far and my mom ended up in the hospital. My mom had to go to jail for a couple months because of the drugs but got out easy.

My dad not only put my mom in the hospital, but he put me in the hospital too. I tried saving mom because he was killing her with a kitchen knife. I got in the way and now I have a huge scar running down from the side of my ribs to my hip bone.

The doctors said that I will always have the scar. It is still there not too terribly noticeable, but there.

My dad went to jail for the rest of his life. I hate him, I just don't understand why he did the things he did. I don't know why he couldn't just love us. I don't know what I did wrong for him to hate me so much.

I am now at my fifteenth birthday. My mom had forgotten like she usually does. I was hanging out with Stella. It was when we had just became friends. She didn't know it was my birthday and I didn't tell her.

That day was also had our first fight. It was pretty dumb really. We got in an argument about me never letting her go to my house. She didn't know why I wouldn't let her, I guess I should have just told her.

Now I was at the time when Jace was at my front door. It hurt seeing his face again. The last time I talked to him I was a total b-word. I deserved to be, but if that was the last time I am going to see him I would have said something else.

Then all of a sudden I found myself in a meadow in a bright blue sundress. I spun in a circle looking at my surroundings.

In a blink of an eye I was in a field in my normal clothes. On one side of the field was a forest that looked like the meadow. On the other side of the field was a very dark scary looking forest.

In the dark forest I could see an outline of a figure standing there looking at me. They started walking toward me so I could finally see them.

"Daddy?" I asked barely above a whisper. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek. I look a step back and ran into something hard. I turned around to see a very angry looking Jace... only he wasn't looking at me he was looking at my dad. I couldn't see any other emotion in his eyes except rage.

Jace walked in front of me in a protective stance. I heard a small growl escape from the back of his throat. Then there was lightning and everything went dark for a couple seconds.

When I could see again I saw my dad choking the life out of Jace.

My dad turned around "Hey pumpkin did you miss me?" he said with an evil grin.

Jace looking super pained and dead picked up his head to look at me, "She has been in a coma for three days, we don't know for sure when she will be awake anytime soon," he said in a high pitched girly voice.

His head then slapped to the side with a horrible crack.

I woke up screaming, the bright light blinded me with all the white. My head was throbbing with pain then my head hit the very comfortable pillow.

I opened my eyes to see a nurse rushing out to get a doctor and a very worried looking Jace sitting beside me. He looked like he hadn't slept in forever yet he still looked as hot as hell.

Oh god I probably look like a pale chicken with crazy hair... Jace was holding my hand, saying something to me. I couldn't hear anything that was coming out of his mouth and it was starting to really worry me.

I started yelling and screaming. I kept repeating that I couldn't hear anything till I blacked out again.

I then started hearing a lot of beeping and I also heard Jace yelling for someone to get in here and help me.

I don't understand, how could I not hear them then but can hear them now.

My brain suddenly started pounding in pain as I remembered everything that happened and why I was in the hospital.

What was that all about. I was in a coma for three days!

Was that dream/nightmare trying to tell me something?

Was it a dream or a nightmare?


Jace's P.O.V.

Gemma has finally woke up, I was starting to wonder if she was going to make it. She woke up screaming my name. I felt guilty right away, it was all my fault this happened. If only I didn't say those things, she wouldn't have left and she wouldn't have gotten hurt.

I start asking her questions on what happened, she looked at me like I was a monster. She started screaming... I knew she was mad at me... Was I pushing it by asking what happened? It was my fault it happened after all.

She started chanting about not being about to hear anything while rocking back and forth.

She then gasped and fell back on the pillow passing out.

I yelled for someone to come help her.

A couple nurses came in and told me I had to leave. As much as it hurt I walked away from her.

I hope she will forgive me.... Will she even get a chance to?


I honestly think this chapter was really bad. I think I could have written it better.

It will get better. I didn't really think this whole thing through though because I am not all caught up with hospitals. I don't know much about them or how they run. I'm winging it.

I'm hoping to publish the next chapter tomorrow.

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