Episode 41 - Can has to take pictures of Sanem for the authors book the agency is preparing, but Sanem doesn't feel comfortable or like herself since Can reappears in her life, not for her but to see his father , which further hurt her. She can't write, she can't think, she can't sleep... Nor can she pretend that his presence doesn't affect her. The scene takes place at Sanem's villa, inside the large living room with large windows, everyone has gathered to help for the photoshoot. Can now has to photograph Sanem in her black dress and her hair beautifully pulled back while she writes something at the round table. However, Sanem gets nervous and blames Can for not being able to write, after which Can stops the camera, postpones the photoshoot for tomorrow morning and asks everyone to leave - Deren, Yiğit, Cey Cey, Muzo... Only the two of them remain in the living room.
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As Sanem tried to hold back her tears with her back to the photographer behind her, Can put the camera down and slowly walked towards her. He tried to grab her hand, but she was quick and jerked it away, asking him not to touch her. Because if he touched her, her heart would drown out her mind, and she couldn't let that happen after all he'd done to her.
"Sanem..." - he sighed - "We don't have to be like that. We don't have to be enemies."
"What shall we be?" - she answered quickly, rubbing her tear-soaked cheeks. - " Friends? Lovers? Colleagues? What shall we be, Can? Haven't we tried everything? We've worn ourselves out, that's it... Ben tükendim, sen tükendin, there's no more belief left in me..."
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"What belief?" he whispered.
"That once... something could have worked out between us... that we loved each other enough to keep what we had... It wasn't like that. I don't think we loved each other the same way anymore, Can. Because I was staying. No matter what, I stayed. And you? You always wanted to run away and... At the end you really left me. How can I believe you ever loved me? That I was valuable in your life? I can't..." she looked away and moved behind the kitchen counter and leaned her hands on it, again turning her back to the man behind her.
"Sanem" - he said her name quietly, but she did not turn.
Then he heard her crying. He narrowed his eyes for a moment before he went and pressed his chest to her back, wrapping his body and arms around her body, pinning her in his arms to keep her from pushing him away.. But she didn't move, only her pain grew worse. big.
Can took a moment to take in the scent of her hair, and when he saw that she wasn't going to do anything, he began to whisper in her ear:
"I know I hurt you a lot." - he heard her sigh. - "Believe me, I hate myself for being the reason you stayed in a clinic... I hate myself for taking away from you that fun and different girl with a pure soul that I fell in love with... But never, never doubt the feelings I had for you, Sanem." - a tear ran down his face and fell on her shoulder. She smiled secretly through her tears. She couldn't describe the warmth of his arms around her, she couldn't deny to herself that she didn't miss that closeness - "You can be sure I've never loved anyone else as much as I loved you." -
He dropped his hands to his side and took a step back from her. Her heart skipped a beat, and her desire for him to hug her again seemed to be starting to overpower her common sense. She missed his being close so much...
Can saw her rub her eyes and turn away with an inscrutable expression. This time she closed the distance and stood in front of him. At first she did nothing. She looked him straight in the eyes and her fingers began to grip the fabric of the long dress in an attempt to stop them before they touched him. She stood before him, ready to put all the pain of the past year behind her, just for that throbbing longing and emptiness in her heart.
Sanem tilted her head involuntarily as she studied his features. He had changed. He wasn't that Can, her Can, but he still looked at her with the same eyes that she had fallen into the trap of a year ago and still held her captive.
Her eyes traveled over his long beard. He didn't take care of it often, shared the voice in her head, and Sanem nodded slightly in agreement. His hair had also grown and now fell to his shoulders. It suits him so... "Yes"
"What?" he asked her very quietly, but she didn't intend to answer because she was still staring at him. He raised his hand as if in slow motion and cupped her arm just below the shoulder. - "Sanem?"
She looked from his face to the hand that held her and then met their eyes again. He noticed that something was going on in her beautiful head, so he just waited. He had already seen her fall into some freezing speechless conditions.
We know he didn't come for us. Sanem nodded at the voice. We know he won't stay, he's left us once and he'll do it again... Now's the time to do what you missed to do a year ago and then you were regretting, you know that. He may leave tomorrow, and that dream that we dreamed so many times may never happen... "I know," she answered.
"What do you know, Sanem?" - he was so confused by her silence and those meaningless words that came out of her mouth..
"Can" - she raised her head decisively - "Will you kiss me?" - he wasn't sure he had heard her correctly. She wanted him to kiss her?
And he didn't need a second invitation. He cupped his hands on either side of her face and brought his lips gently to hers. What a strange evening, Can thought, until a while ago she hated him and now she wasn't backing down. Even as he moved to part their lips, Sanem wrapped her arms around his neck and didn't let go, she kissed him, not so gently. As surprised as he was, Can hadn't felt this good in a year. His hunger for her continued to grow as he realized that Sanem had no intention of ending the dance of their tongues, which only made things more difficult in his shrinking pants.
"Sanem" - he whispered, but she didn't hear and kept pouncing on his lips. - "Sanem"
Can wrapped his arms around her and took her a few steps forward until her back touched the kitchen counter and a soft moan escaped her mouth. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and he felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on his back. Can pushed his logic aside and moved his lips to her neck where he left wet marks. Sanem was craning her neck, running her fingers through his loose hair.
Then he picked her up effortlessly and she sat on the counter, soaking in the feeling Can was giving her. Sanem opened her eyes for a moment and realized that she was in the living room with the huge windows, which startled her. "Can" she murmured and he stopped kissing. "Upstairs" - she whispered breathlessly.
"Upstairs? What?"
"My bedroom. It's upstairs." Sanem said, meeting their gazes for just a moment before locking their lips together.
"Sanem, you sure?" - Can managed to ask between her kisses.
She didn't answer. Instead, she reached for the hem of his shirt and running her fingers over his bare stomach and hard chest, she removed the barrier between her and his tattoo. Her albatross...