Flowers and Tattoos🌸🔥💧(Pt.3) - Yungi

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Sexual assult warning and Rape warnign!!!

The car arrived at Yunho's driveway and while Mingi had stopped crying he was still a shaking mess, makeup smeared, mascara stained his cheeks and his eyes where completly blank, like he didnt have a soul. Yunho got out of the car and walked over to Mingis side.

"Let's go inside" the raven haired boy said opening the door for the other who just nodded and stood up trying to balance with his shaky legs. Yunho noticed the struggle and put his arm around mingi allowing him to lean onto him. he sloly led them inside and they sat down on the couch.

Mommy Hwa


 hey somethign happend and we went home early you think you can take care of the others by yourself?

Mommy Hwa: 

sure, what happend? is mingi ok?


 no not really, ill explain later... maybe, depends on if he lets me. sorry for just leving.

Mommy Hwa: 

no worries, just take care of him, he dosent have the best past so i think i can guess what happend.

Yunho put his phone down and got up from the couch to go grab a glass of water of the poor boy next to him when he felt someone tug on his shirt.

"please... dont go... im scared..." his voice was weak, barely above a whisper, but it was still loud enough for Yunho to hear.

"ok" he said sitting back down putting his arm around the younger, caressing his shoulder. "just talk when you feel ready, and you dont  have to if you dont want to, ill be here for as long as you need" the ravenett said placing a soft peck on the top of the others head making sure to not make him uncomfrteble but it actually seemd like it had the opposite affect. the younger closed his eyes and leaned into the olders touch, letting the tears sloly start to fall again.

They just sat there for a while. Yunho had his arms around Mingi, carressing him gently. sloly but surely the boy began to calm down.

"it was kinda simular to this night actually..." Mingi then spoke up, Yunho lifted his head and looked down at him quite puzzled "the first time this happend."

now it cliced for Yunho what he ment, he turned around and held the boys hands, listening closely at every singel word coming out of the shorters mouth.

"Me and my friends went clubbing, it had been a really greate night so far" he said with a sad smile, he then contuned "i had to go to the bathroom to puke beacuse i was kinda drunk and when i stepped out there was this middleaged man standing by the sink" he paused for a second.

Tears stared welling up in his eyes again but he held them in trying to stay calm. mean while Yunho was still listenign with his full consentration on him, holding the others hands and lightly rubbing his thumb over the others.

"it started withe small things like flirting but it quickly escalated, he started touching me while i was washing my hands and at the time i wasnt strong enough to push him away" the boy said, his voice lightly cracking "he then grabbed me and pinned me against the wall and started feeling me up and toutching my private parts... but then my friend enterd the room and i tought, im finaly getting away from this but... he just stared at us nad then left... and then he raped me..."

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