Thunder Storm🌸💧 - Jongsang

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"Fucking piss! can this line move any slower!" Jognho said furiusly honking his horn once again. there was a huge traffic jam on his way home from work but he didnt have time for that, not at all. why you may ask? well becasu there was a storm incoming. "I'm coming Yeosang just wait a little longer"

In a small apartment in the middle of Seoul sat a stressed out boy on the couch, waiting for his husband to come home. he heard on the news that there had been an accident on the road so he was expecting Jongho to come home late but he really hoped he wouldnt be to late.

The boy, Yeosang, was deathly affraid of storms, to the point where he got full on panic attacks unless his husband was there. and today of all days there had to be a trafic jam, the day where there was gonna be a huge thunder storm.

he sat with a cup of tea in his shaky hands, just waiting. and then came the firsyt crach. Yeosangs eyes went wide and he dropped the cup, instantly getting flash backs of that night... the night his mother had been killed.


It was a stormy night, just like this one. Yeosang used to love thunder, he tought it was calming to listen to, but oh how that was gonna chnage in just one night.

it was about 2 am when Yeosang heard a crach from their kitchen, he was only eleven at the time. he tought it was only his mom who had dropped a glass while getting water so he went out to check if she was ok but he could never prepare himself for what he saw, he saw a man dressed in all black standing by their broken kitchen window. he felt someone grab his arm and pull him back and just as he was about to scream a familliar hand coverd his mouth, it was his mother.

"honney im gonna need you to super quiet ok, you know our adress right?" his mother questiond with a calm and warm smile, tho he could tell she was scared but he simply nodded in respons "ok good, go in to mommys room and call 911 for me and explain whats happening ok, mommys gonna be right back" she said with yet another reassuring smile, handing him her phone.

The young Yeosang obeyd his mothers order and went into her room and dield the number and waited quietly untill someone picked up. and thats when he heard the first boom of the thunder, somethign taht allways used to calm him down now made his heart beet faster.

"hello this is emergency services whats your problem?" a friendly female voice said.

"h-he-help... t-there is-s a m-man in o-our h-h-house..." he whisperd into the phone, he started having a hard time breathing at this point and he could barely get any words out.

"ok sweetie we are sending some people your way now we managed to track your adress but im gonna need you to take a few deep breaths ok?" the woman said in a calm voice. he nodded in response even tho he knew she couldnt see it and took a few deep breaths but then the worst thing happend.

"OI HAG STAND RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE OR ILL FUCKING SHOOT!!!" he could here a man screaming from the kitchen, he guessed it was the man that broke in and in an instant he dropped the phone and flew out the bedroom to see what was going on and then *PANG*.

He saw his mothers body fall to the floor as a pool of blood spread around her. The young boy ran up to his mothers side cryign his eyes out and throwing himself onto her.

"Sweety w-what are you d-doing here" she said in a low but worried voice. she put her now bloody hand on his cheek and he heard another boom of thunder making him flinch.

"Mom! mom you cant leave! you just cant! hang on there a little longer the police are on their way!" and as if on que they could here the syrins from the cop cars outside.

"Shit! you little brat ill kill you and your mom!" the old man said pointing his gun at Yeosang and then he heard another loud *PANG* from the gun but he didnt feel any pain, no. he just felt as crimson liquid started pooring out of his mothers chest, his mother who had guarded him from the second shot, his mother who died then and there.


As Yeosang dropped the cup he fell onto his knees covering his ears. the world started spinning and his chest started to hurt, his breathing got heavy and he could feel tears start running down his cheek.

in a panic he started trying to pick up the chatterd pieces of the mug when someone came grabbed his wrist and by reflex he clasped a chatterd piece if the ceramic mug in his hand and stabbed it into the sholder of whoever it was grabbign him. he could hear a man hissing and then felt himself be pulled into a hug.

"hey sweety, im here, im so sorry im late" Jongho said with tears in his eyes, partly becasu Yeosang was still shoving a piece of a broken cup into his shoulder but mostly becasue it hurt him so much to see his husband in this state. "deep breaths ok? remember what the doctor said, deep breaths."

Yeosang was still not aware of his surroundings but he felt comfort in the voice for some reason and did as it said. after a few muinits he started coming to and looked up to see who it was he had stabbed and his eyes widend when he saw the face of his husband, tears welling up in his eyes and crimson liquid staingin his shirt.

"J-Jongho?... shit Jongho! I-Im so sorry what the fuck! why did i do that! no no no no!" he said in a panick pulling out the broken peice and started putting preassure on the wound but he was a bit to shaky to actually do anythign.

"hey hey! calm down first! breath!" Jongho said grabbing his husbands wrists and looking him in the eyes with a reasuring look. And so he did and soon enough he started to calm down.


now, with a pair of noice canseling headphones on, Yeosnag was cleaning his husbands wound. to say he felt bad was an understatment, he felt like he just killed a little childs cat and had to tell the kid what death was. 

"Hey look here, im fine see! no harm do-Ah SHIT!" The younger started but cot cut off but the pain. Yeosnag raised an eyebrow at him basically saying 'yeah sure' adn Jongho chickled nervosly "ok maybe some harm was done... but i know you didnt mean it! pluss my top priority in that moment was you and only you."

"i know but i just... i cant belive i hurt you... i never wnated to hurt you but i... i did" Yeosnag's hand stopped cleaning the wound and tears started falling from his eyes again.

"It wasnet your fualt ok? i dont blame you or hold a grudge against you, why would i, i love you more than anything no matter what" he stated holding his Husbands hands smiling at him. Yeosang didnt stop crying but he smiled back. he felt truly loved by Jongho.

Jongho leaned in giving the older a sweet loving kiss and Yeosnag kissed back.

The older got back to cleaning the blood from his husbands bare chest when he heard another boom from the thunder outside and flinched causing him to basically shove his finger into the would on Jonghos shoulder.

"AH!!! HOLY SHIT YEOSANG I SAID I DIDNT CARE IF YOU HURT ME BUT NO NEED TO MAKE IT WORSE!!!" he exclaimed in pain grabbing onto his shoulder and squirming around like a ferret in his seat causing him to fall of the chair making him feel even more pain and Yeosnag... well he jsut laughed at his husbands stupidity and it didnt take long for Jongho to join in.

-The End-

(1411 words)

Well people taht was that, i actually really REALLY like this one and i think this is a really underated ship so i took it opon myself to wright about them. also that you Sophia for your help on comming up with an idea for that shapter, you allwasy have my back hoe! anywasy, stay gay my friends!

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