I Fight For Your Life🌸💧(Pt.1) - Changlix

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Felix and Changbin had been friends for a long time, maybe even to long some would say. No matter the situation they where alwasy together and they alwasy had each others backs. everyone in their school knew that Felix was gay, and i mean it wasent like he was trying to hide it. but no one really knew what Changbin liked, not even himself.

He was this big, buff, gym kid but he always hung around this australian kid that was very femenine and hated nothing more than working out. Changbins sexuality was the schools mystery.

Felix however has had a crush on Changbin for a long time, about three years now. the only people who knew where his sisters, his friend Chan(aka Binnies gym buddy) and his other friends Han and Hyunjin. of course people had their suspicions but Bin himself was completly clue less.

and today this duo had been to a soccer game, sports wherent really Felixes thing but Changbin really wanted to go and Lix just couldnt say no to him. they where currently on their way home and it was currently 10pm and allready very dark, considering it was october its not taht surprising.

"why does it have to be so cold" Felix whined moving even cloaser to Changbin and held on to his arm even tighter. Was it an excuse to be closer to him? yes, yes it was. Was he also freezing his ass of? also yes.

"Come on Lix its not that bad" The shorter answerd while holding onto Felix. Was he also freezing his ass off? yes, yes he was. He dident know why he was trying so hard ti impress Felix but he was and he just sorta let it happen.

"But its so coold and it not even december yet! it was so sunny yeasturday aswell!" The taller continued to whine.

"I sware to god Felix if you keep whining i will shove you into the road im not joking" He answerd.

"you would never, you love me to much" Felix said with a big mocking grin.

"You're dumb you know that?" the older said jokingly shoving him away.

they continued walking for a little while holding hands and talking. They where on their way to Changbins apartment and decided to take a short cut. now this wouldnt be a problem if it wherent for the fact that it was a saturday night.

they where walking through a small alleyway when a drunk man in his fiftys started aproacing them.

"Pft, your fucking pathetic! you think anyone will ever accept you?" the man slurred out still getting cloaser to them, Changbin quickly pulled Felix so he was slightly behind him and cept walking.

"Hey dont ignore me fag! what? are you jsut gonna hide behind your fucking boyfriend!" the man said now stubeling in front of the, blocking their way "Coward!"

"Sir we just wanna get home if you could please step out of the way?" Changbin said looking at the man with a blank face. Felix on the otehr hand didnt know how to react, he never did, of course he had faced homophobia before but he always got just as scared.

"why of course go right ahead" the man said with a smiling exprecion that was hard to read, but somethign felt fishy about it.

"thank you" He said and started walking with Felix behind him and right when they where passing him the man grabbed ahold on the back of Felixes head, pulling his hair causing him to yelp out in pain.

Changbin turned around  and saw the man holding onto his hair with an evil grin and his blood started to boiel.

"Oi! asshole! Let go of him!" he screamed out, you could clearly hear in his voice that he was pissed and Felix started to get scared. not because of the situation he was in, no. you see Changbin was usually a pretty calm person but when it came to his friends, especally Felix, he sometimes couldnt controll his anger and has sent multible people to the hospital for that.

"What did you just call me you little punk?"

"You heard me dick head!" Bin answerd with that blank, coold stare anda slight smirk on his face. he satrted taking off his jacket(he was wearing a hoddie underneth just to clerify) and shaking his arms as if getting ready for a fight.

"Hey Binnie calm down! ill be fine just call the cops!" the blond said trying to protect both the guy and Changbin. he didnt really know if calling the cops was the right call in this situation but he didnt know what else to do.

"Oh you aint calling no body sweet heart! your gonna stay right here untill i-OOF" the man got cut off from Changbin delivering a powerfull blow to his abdomen. the man instingtivly let go of Felixes hair and thay both fell to the ground.


"yeah that was kinda the point" changbin said with a blank exprecion, you could almost see the steam coming from his nose. he was furious, and Felix knew this wasent gonna end well.

Bin got on top of the other guy and started throwing punch after punch into both face and chest and where ever he could reach. Felix couldnt just sit by and watch as he killed a guy and decided to step in. he grabbed onto Changbins arm but Changbin just threw him back, causing him to his the brick wall with a thud, letting out a painful whine. and it was only then Changbin realised what he had done.

He looked back in horror at the hunched over Felix, he wasent badly harmed but Changbin was still in shock because of what he had done and he wasent paying attention to the man bellowing him who was now fishing somethign out of his pocket.

As Felix catched his breath and looked up at the scene that was starting to unfold before him. his eyes widend and he started yelling but it was to late.


Changbin felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen and felt something wet. as he looked down to see what had happend and he saw a small pocket knife stick out of his side and crimson liquid staining his shirt. 

he grabbed onto the knife and sloly started to fall over. Felix instantly ran over to Changbin who was now laying on the concrete, bleading and wincing in pain.

The man who had managed to crawl out from underneth him shouted some things none of them really heard and ran off.

"Hey! hey look at me!" Felix said as tears started to well up in his eyes. he pulled changbin onto his lap watched as he winced in pain once again "Im gonna have to pull out the knife ok?"

"Just do it! AH sHIT that fucking HURTS!" Chnagbin said squirming around.

"Ok imma count to three, instantly put preassure on it once i pull it out ok!" Felix said and simply got a nod in respons. "Ok, one... two... three!"

Changbin let out a painful groan as he grabbed on to Felixes shoulder, a couple tears rolling down his face. he let out a big sigh as both him and felix started putting preassure on it. he was catching his breath in complete silence untill he felt something wet on his phase. he opend his eyes to see felix crying.

"why are you crying" he said in a weak but carign tone "Don't cry, ill be fine"

"i-i know, i just got so scared, when i saw him pull out the knife i tought that was gonna be it." the younger said letting out small sobbs "im jsut so scared of loosing you... i love you"

Felix looked misreble... Changbin hated that. and it was then he realised everyting. in an instant Changbin pulled Felix's face down and kissed him. Felix was shocked at first but accepted the kiss.

"ill be ok since i have you here... i love you to felix" the older said with a painful yet sweet smile and felix smiled back, still crying.

"Ok we gotta get you home, you dont life to far do you think you can walk? ill help you of course!" Felix said, quickly switching gears.

"Yeah, this hurts like a bitch tho" Changbin said tilting his head back and wincing in pain once again. "good thing i have doctor Felix here with me"

"Yeah you should be lucky im studdying to become a doctor, now come on lets hurry so you dont bleed to death."

(1438 words)

Well thats the ferst part of this, next part is gonna get a biyt steamy if you know what i mean😏 well thats all for now. stay gay my friends.

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