16. Midnight Dance

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It was 10 in the night. Karan and Teju had just completed their shoot and were heading home.The next day both of them had a holiday.It has  been 3 months that Karan shifted to his new home but due to the busy schedule they were yet to explore the property. They just come home eat, sleep, wake up and get ready and then again go to set. So they hardly used the eminities. They had heard that the terrace of their building gave a beautiful view of sky and one can star gaze there. So they thought of spending some time on terrace. When they reached the terrace thankfully there was no one present there. And they just spread the mat and lay down with Teju's head on Karan's hand and looking at the sky peacefully. They was a pin drop for 10 minutes. They were just feeling the peace.

"It's so peaceful over here naa Sunny? Just the two of us in our own world away from the noise and all the hustles and bustles of our busy lives. You know we can get charged up even if we get handful of such moments. Haina? "

"It's true Laddoo. As much as we enjoy being accessible to the public we do miss living a normal life. But it's a part and parcel of whatever job we are performing. "

"I agree. "

"Do you remember the night where we had done the same thing in the BB house? "

And with that they went down the memory lane.

It was the night of the weekend ka vaar. The cameras used to remain off for the night after the weekend kaa vaar shoot and the day after that. Luckily this weekend they were not bashed as badly as they used too earlier. But this weekend it was the other two in the house.They were Rashmi and Pratik.And there was a huge fight going on between Pratik and Rashmi. And the matter was not cooled down even after the midnight. And there was noise everywhere. Karan and Teju were exhausted because of shoot and them being bashed for not playing against. They were bashed but less in comparison to Pratik and Rashmi. And so to escape they decided to sleep outside in the garden area. So they took 2 blankets and 1 pillow with them. They spread one blanket on the ground and laid down with Teju's head on Karan's hand and were gazing the sky that was the only outside thing that they could see and connect with. And instead of wasting time in thinking about the bashing which was absolutely senseless and they knew that, they focused on knowing each other more and taking advantage of cameras being off they were discussing their private lives. And they continued doing the same after coming in the garden area.

"You know Sunny this is the best part of night for me. "

"As in? "

"Just the two of us and under the blanket of stars. No negativity touching us and us allowing each other to see each other's naked soul without being confined into the four walls. "

"That's deep Laddoo. But true also. I guess we should make a ritual of star gazing atleast once in a month. Even though seeing of busy lives I can't promise you but we can definitely try. "

"Sachhi? "

"Muchhi" And with that he kissed her nose and sealed the promise.

"That was one of the memorable night in the BB night. And that was a moment which remained just with us and not for the world to see. And I am glad that we were not recorded on camera of the first star gazing night. Because I don't want that to record it. Rather I want to cherish it in our memories. I feel that some things are best if just enjoyed and not recorded "

"You know what Sunny I too feel the same. "

"Do you know Laddoo what I am glad about? "

"What? "

"I am glad that how we are so alike yet so different. Neither we go overboard in putting efforts nor we put it with difficulty. Whatever glides on, glides naturally. "

"I know Sunny. It's like we are the part of the same puzzle which when put together makes the life surreal. "

"I know Laddoo. Sometimes I wonder that how come we didn't meet earlier. But I guess the universe was waiting for us to make all the mistakes of life so that we don't make any with each other when we get each other. "

She smile and kissed his cheek.

There was again a comfortable silence between them. It is said that you reach the ultimate level of your relationship when you feel comfortable even in the silence. Not everything is to be expressed with words over there. And they had reached the level.

"You know Sunny I had always wanted this. It was something in my bucket list something to do with my partner. From my childhood I had always loved star gazing and reading. And in the stories it was always like they were star gazing in silence and I felt that comfort and that activity very intimate. And I always wished to do it with my partner. But before you no one was interested in doing. "

"I am glad it's your first with me. I don't care if your kiss wasn't first with me. But this one thing matters to me. Something which you have always wanted and something which was meant as pure to you to be shared with me for the first time. And I thank all the lallus who were not even eligible or worthy of you, left you. I don't mean that I am eligible for you. But I am working towards becoming it and I promise you I will become what you are worth of getting. "

She had tears in her eyes and smile on her faces. No one had ever said this or put efforts for her. She could see what he was doing and she thanked God everytime she thinks of him as hers.

He smiled at her and kissed her tears.

"I have one more wish. Would you fulfill it? "

"Have I ever denied? "

She stood up and stretched her hand towards him.

"I have seen so may reels of couple dance carefree under the night sky and I would want to make a memory with you Mr. Karan Kundrra. So will you dance with me? " She asked dramatically.

He laughed and gave his hand to her and said "Of course Mylady. "

And then took his mobile and started playing song

Bade ache lagte hai
Yeh dharti yeh nadiyaan yeh raina aur tum

They started slow dancing and he pointed towards.

Hum tum kitne paas hai kitne
Dur hai chaand sitare
Sach pucho toh manko juthe lagte hai yeh saare

And they came closer and had a smile on their face and a different content they felt while dancing. People would think crazy if they saw them at dancing at 2:00 AM in the night but never did they care about people.

Magar sacche lagte hai
Yeh dharti, yeh nadiyaan, yeh raina aur tummm....

Bade ache lagte hai....

And in that night they made thousands of memories that would remain with them for a life time.

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