Cowboy Like Me

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A/N: feedback appreciated <3

Amongst the many talents Isabell has accumulated over the years, she is particularly thankful for her ability to hot-wire cars. James could do it, of course, but he is far more suspicious, easier to spot, and his fingers are too big to weave the wires properly.

Besides, it's good to be needed. It's good to have a use.

So, she scrambles through the window of a car abandoned on the sidewalk, fixes it up for them and then lets James in from the inside.

He smiles at her as she does so.

"Good, doll, thank you. How's your foot?"

"Hurts," Isabell chews on her lip, slithering into the passenger seat and doing her seatbelt dutifully. "But Jamie, you're all wet and you have your soldier clothes on. People are looking for us. They're gonna find us if we look like this, they're gonna take us away."

"No one's taking anyone away," James says firmly, kicking the car into gear, "We'll get new clothes."

"With what money?"

"Aren't you feeling smart today?" He casts her a wry, sideways smile, raising an eyebrow, and she pouts a little.


"No, you're right." James swallows. He reaches over and wipes a drop of blood from Isabell's forehead – not her own – before pinching her cheek affectionately. "I've got a little money. Stuff HYDRA gave me for cover, for emergencies. It's not a lot, but it'll get us food, some new clothes. Medical crap for your foot."

"Mm-mm." She shakes her head. "Don't waste it. My foot will heal. Probably, anyway."

"No. Health comes first. You're important, Iz. You matter." He glances at her. "Besides, we've gotta stay our strongest. What weapons did you come with?"

"Gun. I lost it." Isabell looks nervous. If they were back at HYDRA, admitting to losing a weapon would end up with some horrible punishment. They'd torture her until she couldn't stand up straight or lock her away for days at a time.

But, they aren't at HYDRA anymore. They aren't at HYDRA and James needs to keep Isabell as calm as possible, considering all the chaos going on around them.

He moves his hands away from her, as if to show he isn't going to hurt her, and focuses on driving instead. "That's OK. I've got knives. You're good at throwing those, hmm?"

"I am." She looks a little more reassured. " 'M I going to have to kill any more people?"

"You want the truth?"

"I always do."

"Then I don't know. It's possible, Iz. I'll do the worst of it, though, I always do. Don't stress over it, 'K?"


So compliant, so eager to please. It makes James' heart skip a little. He squeezes his hands tight around the steering wheel and pulls onto a quieter road, running through plans in his head. Food, clothes, medical. Somewhere for Isabell to sleep.

Maybe the last one doesn't matter so much. She feels safe wherever he is, and that's enough for them.

"We need a convenience store." James drums his fingers against the wheel, "I'll give you the money and you'll go in and buy things. Steal what you can, but only food and clothes; they tag all the medical shit. Can you walk without limping?"

"A little."

"Good. Use your energy on this, Iza, we really can't afford to stick out."

Isabell nods. She stretches her legs out on the dash, wincing at the movement of her foot, and watches James drive. It calms her to know that he's there, always ready to protect her, and she's itching for some reassurance.

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