Seek the Light

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AEI: i rlly miss writing baby isabell. you know what i DON'T MISS, though?

like i get it's not that deep but ITS STILL A LITTLE WEIRD WHEN ISABELL'S LIKE SEVEN??!!


i've missed writing!! still no wifi but i'm living in cafes to use theirs and watching reruns of law and order, which is definitely something.

also, rlly big chapter coming up soon. like, 9k words big!!! i hope you all like it bc it's taken about a month to write 🤭


Isabell doesn't remember much about the Wakandans. The last time she saw them, she was nine, unnervingly bruised and her leg was broken at such an angle that they considered amputating it. What little memories remain include hospital beds, screaming, and the glitter of tears in James' eyes as he disappeared under the ice. 

Now, however, they appear slightly annoyed, very terrifying, and they have James looking like a little boy who just got caught doing something he shouldn't. 

A woman at the head of the group glares at him. She mutters something in Wakandan – which nobody else seems to understand – before turning her gaze to Zemo and saying, 

"Release him to us now."

Her accent is smooth and rich, licking sharp edges around the tip of her tongue. Walker looks a little out of his depth. 

He blinks at her.

"Hi. John Walker." He extends a hand. "Captain America." 

There's a brief but decidedly awkward pause as the woman stares at him, silent and disapproving, and John clears his throat. "Well, let's, uh, put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through, huh?"

Isabell throws a tangerine at his head. 

They really shouldn't let her so close to the fruit bowl.

Sam suppresses, leaning against the pillar in the centre of the room.

"Hey, John, take it easy. You might wanna fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje."

"They don't have jurisdiction here." Walker grits his teeth. The leading woman raises an eyebrow in his direction.

"The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be."

Isabell has absolutely no idea who 'The Dora Milaje' is, but she feels like right now might not be the time to ask. Besides, they don't seem in the best mood and she doesn't much feel like upsetting them. 

She'd rather John Walker be the one who leaves today with a spear through his stomach. 

He is looking like he is getting very close to it.

"OK," Walker chuckles nervously. "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot."

And then he makes what seems to be one of the stupidest decisions he could've come up with. 

He rests one hand on the woman's shoulder, the way men do when they're being especially condescending, and fury flashes through her eyes. 

In an instant, the base of her spear smashes hard into the side of his head, he drops to the floor, and Isabell cheers like she's watching a WWE match. Sam pretends to be disapproving. 

She, him and James all watch with varying degrees of concern as The Dora Milaje essentially obliterate Walker and his friend. The women are effortless, graceful, and they move like they are bound by far less than the laws of gravity. 

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