Tying Off The Ends

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i'd title this like an AEI but it's not even an interval!! it's just me talking!!!

this is really weird but it's necessary, so please read 💕

i'd like to start this by saying that, despite being a writer, i cannot articulate what's going on in my head for the LIFE of me, so please bear with 💃

digital silence is worth so much to me. genuinely. i write because i love writing, because there are 2837483929284747 thoughts in my head at any given point in time, and when other people actually enjoy reading my work, it makes me so fucking happy i could explode.

after you lot, i might as well be some sort of weird-ass never ending firework. YOU ALL MAKE ME SO FUCKING HAPPY AND I LITERALLY CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!

i'm a little bit batshit crazy, i can't lie, and i'm also a neurotic, anxiety-fuelled freak who hates most things but loves crime shows. this all sounds very pathetic (at least i'm self-aware 🙏) but getting to upload chapters and have you guys get all excited about it in the comments? it makes my day EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. MY FAVOURITE DAYS ARE THE DAYS I UPLOAD.

you're all amazing, beautiful, lovely people and you all deserve to have the best lives ever. thank you for enjoying my work, commenting, fuelling me and loving my strange little murder child. isabell is a little extension of me. you lot liking her makes me SO happy.

anyways, i'm now beginning to sound a little bit too emotional for somebody prides herself on making OTHER PEOPLE emotional, so i'm gonna quit while i'm ahead.

so, over and out for digital silence, goodbye to jamie and iz, and i hope you all know that they're out there, happy and healing, eating ice cream on the couch and making fun of each other for eternity.

love ya, my crazy people 💕

here are some random digital silence facts that i felt like sharing:

it was supposed to end before civil war but i got too invested 😭

isabell was originally called safya, then marlene, then margo, and that's why her middle name is marlene :)

she was also probably going to die but i changed my mind around eight-ish chapters ago...

all of the faceless children are named after authors/book characters from my shelf at home!! i don't remember all of them rn bc i'm on holiday, but stephen is named after the guy who wrote 'perks of being a wallflower,' and flavia is named after a twelve-year-old detective named 'flavia deluce.'

-  isabell and bucky's bond is largely based off of a really old fanfic series on my old account, between bucky and *unnamed previous fictional child*

-  you will never know the name of that old account



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