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Sorry for the long wait... I've been really busy lately... but I hope you guys enjoy this chappy anyway:)

Nylo's POV

I was woken up by a gentle nudge on my shoulder. I let out a long yawn, and slowly opened my eyes to see two beautiful blue-gray orbs in front of me with a tangled mess of firey orange hair. His lips looked so soft... I was still half asleep and I think I felt my hand go up to his face and brush my fingertips across his bottom lip. I heard his breath hitch. Or at least I think I did... And his eyes went wide. I smiled sleepily.

"You're pretty..." I mumbled, my fingertips still on his lips. Then he grinned, and pecked my fingertips.

"Why thank you, lovey, so are you... But you have to wake up now, we have arrived in LA..." he said. In realization, My eyes opened up wide and I stood up from my seat quickly, grinning widely.

"One Directionnnn!!!! Here I come!!!" I exclaimed, wide awake. Ed let out a laugh, while taking down our bags. We gathered our things and we made our way out of the airplane and into the airport. The flight had been about 7 hours, and because of the time change, it was really late... 4 in the morning... So I should say it was really early... I'm surprised that 5 teenage boys would actually bother coming to an airport, when they could be sleeping... I mean, I'm not even a guy and I know that I would definitely pick my bed over an airport at four in the morning... Anyways so we went through security and check-out, got our luggage and made our way to the place in the airports where you can meet people... (I clearly don't know what its called.) As soon as we got there, I noticed two, oddly familiar looking boys, in shades and hoodies pulled up, holding up a poster with the name "Stylinson" written on it. The dark curly haired one, Harry obviously, was talking to who seemed like Louis. Suddenly, three other boys walked up behind them, the one that looked like Zayn held a tray of coffee cups. The blond haired one, Niall, was chomping away at a doughnut, and the Liam looking one, was trailing behind all of them, texting on his phone. We were also in our disguises, but there wasn't a lot of people at this time. Maybe a couple of old people, and some older adults, but none looked like screaming fans. Thank God! I looked over at Ed, who was looking in the complete opposite direction of One Direction (hehe see what i did there). I tugged on his sleeve gently and pointed at the boys. He smiled and put an arm over my shoulder, as we made our way towards them. I felt really bubbly inside.. I mean, I was about to meet them... One direction... But I'm all fangirled out, so they're safe. Once we got to where they were standing, I hid a little bit behind Eddie. Ed smiled warmly as he tapped on Harry's shoulder. Harry turned around, grinning like crazy when he saw Ed, and pulled him in a hug. Soon all the boys had greeted Ed warmly. Then Liam looked at me with a curious look on his face.

" And who might this lovely lady be?" he asked kindly, smiling. I blushed abit, and hid behing Ed again. Then he pulled me out from behind him.

"Introductions will be made soon, but we must go now... We don't want anyone seeing..." He said sternly. Liam nodded in agreement and he signalled for us to follow him. We made our way out of the airport, where a black limo was parked. We all piled in, Ed taking the seat on my left and Liam on my right, with the four other boys in facing us, with Niall in the middle, so he was in front of me. As soon as the limo door closed, we all took off our hoods and shades. I looked around, getting a good view of everyone's face now. We all looked tired, but one direction still looked as hot as usual. Liam looked at me again.

"So who is this, Ed?" he asked again. Eddie smiled down at me, and then looked back at Liam.

"This is my best friend, Nylo..." he answered.

"I've never heard of a Nylo before..." said Louis, with a curious face. All the boys looked at me and Ed quizzically.

"Yeah, well we've been secretly bestfriends for about three years.. and she helps me with some of my songs... I mean with the lyrics..." he explained.

"How come we've never heard of her before then?" Harry asked.

"Well, we both agreed to keep me out of the media, and I'd like to keep it that way, for as long as possible. " I spoke up. All the boys nodded in understandingly.

"Dont worry about it... You're secrets safe with us..." Niall said, smiling, mostly at me. Oh damn! That Irish accent is just too damn sexy.

"Plus she's a pretty little secret, isn't she boys?" Zayn stated winking at me. My cheeks burned red. The boys all agreed.

"Thanks..." I murmured, playing with the chain of my necklace.

"No problem, babe." Zayn said, smirking.

"Ooooh, I wonder what Perrie would say if she heard this conversation..." said Louis, evilly. Zayn shrugged.

"I have a girlfriend, I'm not dead... I'm aloud to think shes pretty, its not like I'll snog her or anything..." he said in his Bradford accent. "Although it doesn't seem like a bad idea..." he said, wiggling his eyebrows. This earned a smack from Niall, and a crumbled piece of paper in the head from Liam. I giggled, and buried my head in Eddie's shoulder.

"Oh gosh guys, stop flirting with my LoLo bear!" exclaimed Ed in false horror. And he hugged me tightly. The boys laughed.

"It's pretty awesome, though. Having a secret best friend, like that..." said Harry.

"Yeah" Niall, Zayn and Liam said all at once.

"CARROTS ARE AWESOME!!!" exclaimed a very happy Louis.

"Yes, yes they are." I said in a serious tone. We all burst out laughing...

Finally, after an half hour drive, we got to the luxury inn, that we were staying at. Liam checked us all in, and we went into the elevator. Our luggage in hand, we arrived to the floor of our suite... We went down the hallway, till we reached the door that said 7- 03.

Liam, being Daddy Directioner, handed us all our own key-cards, and then he unlocked the door. Once we got in, Harry showed me and Ed to our bedrooms, which were side-by-side. We drooped our stuff into our rooms. While everyone was in the living room, I went into my room and into the bathroom. I took a shower, then got out, dried up, and put on some comfy sweats and a purple tang top. I brushed my teeth quickly, then headed to the living room. The suite was really nice, but I was much too tired to pay attention to detail. The boys were all sitting there, all six of them, and they all turned to look at me.

"I'm really tired and it's really early, I'm off to bed, if that's okay with you guys..." i stated, yawning in the process.

"That actually sounds like a great idea. We're all out of sorts... Why dont we just all go to bed, right now?" asked Liam, in approval to my idea.

"Yes, that's an idea"


"I'm so tired..."

"Yay beds."

"But, I'm not tired!!!" whined Louis. Everyone rolled their eyes and groaned.

"Yes you are Boobear... I'll sleep next to you if it helps you fall asleep." said Harry.

"Awww Haz, you're a lovely fellow, you know that?" answered Louis, grinning and pecking Harry's temple.... Dawww... Larry Stylinson moment!!! Coo...

At this point, I smiled and started to turn away and walk to my room.

"Nighty Night, boyzzz!" I shouted behind me.

"Night!" yelled the boys in chorus, although it was clearly morning. I sighed, once I got into my room, I closed the door hurriedly and crawled into the big queen sized bed. I curled up under the blankets. I'm best friends with Ed Sheeran and I get to live with One Direction for two months... Can my life get any better? After thinking for a bit, I finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Drown Me Out ~ An Ed Sheeran/ 1D fanficWhere stories live. Discover now