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Hey guys... So here is the 4th chappy, hope you enjoy:)

Zayn's POV

The next morning, I woke up to someone jumping on me.... Two people jumping on me. And I know exactly who those two retards are... Louis Tomlinson and his partner in crime... Harry Styles. They both jumped up onto my bed and started to tickle, scratch and hit me. I groaned, pushing Harry off the bed and then stuffing a pillow into Louis face. Then I lifted up the covers onto my face.

"Wake up, Zaynnnnn!" whined Louis. Harry mumbled something to himself while getting up from the floor and straightening his shirt.

"Go away, I'm not getting up." I mumbled from in bed.

" Fine... If that's how you wanna play..." Louis huffed. Yeah okay, what's he going to do? Act like my mom till it becomes persuasive enough, that I'll actually get out of bed? He can't even--- my thoughts were interrupted by sudden coldness. My sheets were ripped off of me, leaving me in just shorts. I got up in shock, and I saw Louis and Harry run out of my bedroom and down the hallway yelling:

"Ahhhhh! He's going to murder us!!!!"

And then Ed walked out of his room, looking really tired and slightly upset. He yawned and stretched his arms out. He looked at me with a grin.

"They woke you up, didn't they?" he asked.

"Yeah... And they will pay for it... Later. I have to shower now, sorry for their misbehaving... You know how they are." I said, apologetically. I mean, I've known Ed for some time now, and I know he is a light sleeper. I feel bad. He is our guest, and so is Nylo... Hmmm Nylo... Shit I hope all that noise that Larry made didn't wake her up.

"Iz alright, mate. Yeah I need to shower too... See you later." he said, and with that, he walked back into his room, closing the door behind him. Liam was probably already in the kitchen. I can smell pancakes. I went into my bathroom and took off my clothes, flexing my arms in the mirror. Meh, my biceps aren't as big a Louis's yet, but they'll do. I smirked in satisfaction. Damn, but the rest of my body is smokinggggg! I grinned. Gosh if anyone can hear my thoughts right now, I probably sound like a total dick. Hey, everyone observes and compliments their bodies from time to time.

Once I was done showering, I dried up and put on a pair of sweats, leaving myself shirtless. I blow-dried my hair down and I put in some earrings. I looked at my reflection one last time before I go out of my room. I'm just gonna go check on Nylo. I went to her room, seeing her door a little open. So she's probably not changing or anything. I pushed the door open and peered into her room. It was dimly lit, the only light coming from a single slit from the curtains. She lay on her bed, under covers, obviously fast asleep. I stepped into the room, moving closer to where she lay. Her face peeped out of the pile of sheets around her. She looked so peaceful... She really is pretty. But she kind of reminds me of my sisters. Except, she had shorter hair, and a paler complexion. But not far. I smiled to myself. She actually looks adorable, all curled up in her bed. I should wake her up though, its almost mid day, and she'll miss brunch. I stoked her cheek lightly, and then I made my way to her hair. I brushed my fingers through it, enjoying how soft it was.

"Nylo... Wake up..." I said quietly. I continued the motion with my hand. She moved slightly. Then she let out a small yawn.

"Stupid ginger, leave me alone..." she mumbled through her pillow. I chuckled lightly. She clearly thinks that I'm Ed. I shook her shoulder gently and moved the sheets out of her face.

"It's Zayn, love, wake up or you'll miss breakfast." I said. She yawned again and stretched a little. Then her eyes fluttered open. They were fixed on me. Realizing it was me, she got up slowly till she sat in bed.

Drown Me Out ~ An Ed Sheeran/ 1D fanficWhere stories live. Discover now