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as sweat dripped down her face.
her arms and legs ached, "darn, i got weak. 50 push ups ain't much, i'll do another 100." she spoke to herself, wiping the sweat away from her forehead.

she was on a journey to look like manga mommy maki from jjk. she cant lie, maki be lookin hella nice.
'i hate toji tho-' she got on her hands, and continued on her push ups.

it was always worth it torturing herself, bc of the end result 💅 after completing her workout, she felt mad nasty so she hopped into the shower.

after getting out of the shower,
she put on a tshirt and sweatpants and jumped into bed. 'damn, my body feels sore as hell,' she cried in her mind, before slowly drifting off to sleep.


haya was on her bed sleeping peacefully, the girl had slept through all her alarms. lightly snoring, her eyes snapped open, after hearing the stomps heading towards her room.

she jumped up, standing straight, trying to make it seem as if she had been awake for a while. her mother slammed open her door, entering the room and eyeing her daughter.

it was painfully obvious she had just woken up now.

the elder lady sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "im too exhausted to scold you right now, get ready for school."


haya checked the time, looking at the time in shock.

'7:24?! crapcrap i gotta hurry!'

the girl panicked, running to her bathroom and washing her teeth, after that making wudhu.

leaving the bathroom she quickly threw on an oversized, long sleeved black shirt that reached right above her knees.

pairing it with a large grey sweatpants, and black hijab.
(style however you'd like.)

grabbing her bag, she rushed downstairs. "mom! im heading out now, assalamu alaykum!"

"be safe, wa alaykum assalam!"

the girl slipped on her socks and sneakers and ran out of the house, sprinting to her school. she checked the time on her watch, it read 7:46.

'i gotta hurry!'
she ran even faster towards the direction of her school. even though she was only 15, she was quite athletic for her age. skateboarding and working out was a hobby of hers. eating sweets and watching anime-

she arrived in a few minutes. the hallways were clearing up after the bell had rang.

she ran into her classroom,
panting. and thankfully, her teacher hadn't shown up yet. sighing, she took her seat in the back. her seatmate was a classmate she usually worked with in projects, she considered her a friend.

"yo, haya! sup", the girl greeted, "not much, i woke up pretty late today." she casually responded. there was chatter going around the room, so when the teacher entered she told them to settle down.

and like that, the day went normal like any other day.


haya arrived home, exhausted. saying her greeting even though the house was empty. mostly because of the incels at school. sighing, for like the 98th time that day, she collapsed on to her bed.

realizing that a new volume of jujutsu kaisen just released, she got back up, and checked her wallet.

'just 9 bucks, thank god. i'll head to the target nearby.' haya quickly took her wallet and phone, immediately heading to her destination.

skating there, she arrived. entering the store, she made a beeline for the manga section. haya saw the volume on the shelf, her eyes sparkling in delight.

heading to the checkout section, the cashier greeted her. "nice to see you again, haya," the older girl on the other side smiled.

"yeah, how are you?" haya asked her, while the cashier scanned the item. "im well, and im graduating soon!"

"that's great", haya wasnt on the talkative side. it was hard to connect with people, even if she knew them. "your total is 8.81$!"

she fished her wallet out of her pockets, pulling the money out, she handed the money. "here's your change",

"thank you." haya beamed, speedwalking out of the store, heading home. she arrived home. checking the time, it was now 4:56 pm.

'assignments can wait.'
she giggled, jumping on her bed, flipping through the pages. she already read the manga till the latest release, but its different with the copies. haya just loves staring at the characters.

especially megumi.

'i'm so jealous of his eyelashes',
the girl mentally cried. he was just too ethereal, after a few hours of messing around on her phone and watching anime, she got bored.

deciding to take a nap,
she did so to forget about the assignments she had due later.
she blinked until her eyes began to slowly close, she fell asleep.

and finally, she was yeeted to her favorite anime/manga.


664 words

authors note:
ik this chapter was short but upcoming chapters will get longer :)

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