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time until we have to meet the principle. need a pitstop?"
ijichi asked, his hands on the steering wheel.

"nah, let's be early for once."
gojo replied. sensing malicious cursed energy nearby, "stop the car." he ordered.

"uh, here?" ijichi said in uncertainty.

"you go ahead."

"what?! am i being tested?" ijichi sweated, nervous. "what do you take me for?"

ijichi drove off, as gojo
started, "well then," the mount fuji curse tried attacking him by jumping on him, only for his attack to
be dodged. "and you are?" he continued.

"take this!" jogo yelled, a volcano thing appearing on the side of the wall, it blew out large amounts of fire, making it appear as though gojo had been turned into ash.

"was that it? nothing special." jogo commented, turning around and beginning to walk away.

"who're you calling... nothing special?" gojo appeared, holding his two fingers up, there seeming to be a protective barrier around him.

"stupid brat..." the curse insulted.

gojo paused for a bit, thinking. which made the curse grin. "what's the matter, losing heart?" jogo took a stance as he creepily grinned.

"nah, its starting to get fun!" gojo smiled, cracking his fingers.


"woman! tell me how you knew i made a contract with the brat!"
sukuna yelled through yuji's cheek, the boy covering it in annoyance.

"oh? what're you gonna do if i dont, kill me?" she looked at the eye on yuji's hand, her lips turning up into a smirk,

"i'll make you suffer by slowly tearing your-

"-sorry haya. he's a bit, uh, emotional?"

"what'd you say-"

"nah, it's alright, everyone's different, right?" she smiled as she giggled, annoying the curse. "once i take control, i'll kill that white haired bastard, then you!"

"lmao sure sure, kuna-chan.
is that why you've been taking alot of interest in my classmate, fushiguro, right?" she reminded, giving him a side eye. he went quiet after that.

"huh? haya, what's going on?" yuji asked confused as her smirk widened, "nothing to worry about, love."
'i cant wait to mess kuna-chan and kenjaku-chans plans up!'

she giggled out loud, making yuji look at her weird. "you sure?-" he was cut off by gojo,


gojo called, the boy freaked out as his soul quite literally left his body.
"gojo-sensei?! what's up?"

"let's get outta here, yuji, haya."


"let's go on a field trip to... a high end jujutsu battle! i'll teach you about domain expansion. no time! let's go." he hastily said, grabbing the two teens collars before teleporting to a lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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