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a hotel room and rested there for the night.

waking up at 8:40 am, she got out of bed, went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. made wudhu and got ready for the day. after all, she was to be held on trial.

checking out of the hotel room, she exited the building.

she then sensed gojo's cursed
energy and teleported to him. gojo turned around in surprise, "good morning, so where is my trial being held at?" she casually asked him.

"i'll take you there but oh no
we gotta tie you up bc you're deemed a threat lol,"


gojo took ropes that
legit spawned outta nowhere and tied her up, he then took her to where the meeting with the higher-ups was being held.

gojo teleported her to where the meeting was held, entered the room without knocking and pissing off the old geezers.

"yo! i brought the girl you
asked for.", he spoke, reporting everything that had happened.

then some old geezer yelled,
"i demand she be executed! she is nothing more than a threat, and look at what shes wearing!"

"excuse me?" she
frowned, as the man continued to spew racist comments.
"gojo, you dont mind if i slaughter them all right now, do you?"

"now, now, let's wait for another time." gojo smiled at her, to which she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"she is to be executed," the
higher-ups decided, pissing off haya. "she seems to be a spy from another country, her clothes are weird and she seems to be threat.", some other old geezer added.

"all cause of my clothes and my
race?" haya laughed in amusement, breaking out of the ropes the her hands were tied to, she got up. "gojo, im leaving, this is annoying."

"wait wait," gojo began, he then looked up at the geezers faces,

"after sensing her extraordinary power, i propose that she becomes a student at jujutsu high. this would be a waste if you executed her." he continued, stating his proposal.

gasps of disapproval were
heard, except one old geezer, "i see nothing wrong with that, but keep an eye on her.", the higher-ups were arguing with him. "but shes a threat! she needs to be disposed of immediately!"

"my decision is final." the man
got up, and left. "so are we free to go, gojo?" she inquired, to which he hummed at. "alright, im teleporting outta here, cya," she put her hands in a seal, and disappeared.


'i should mess the storyline up lol,' haya grinned as she walked down the streets of shibuya, deciding to ruin all of kenjaku's plans.

her hazel eyes glanced at
the street food vendors, when she spotted a mochi stand,
her eyes lit up.

running up to the stand in excitement, she spoke to the lady at the counter, "i'll have all your strawberry flavored mochi. oh, and add some green tea flavored mochi too please,"

"that'll be 3,120¥!" the lady at the counter said, to which haya reached into her pocket and spawned the money. taking it out, she handed the cash to the lady.

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