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slightly dazed. rubbing her eyes, she got up. she noticed her surroundings and realized, she was a in a forest.

'hah? where am i? im sure
i slept on my bed...' checking her pockets, she made sure she atleast had her wallet and phone. though she only had 19 cents so she had no idea what to do.

deciding to walk in some
random direction, she ended up in a town, that had unfamiliar writing on the signs.

'ohh, japanese?'

haya walked through the streets, curious. she then noticed a familiar blindfolded man from a certain anime, buying sweets at one of the stands.

"whoops, gotta dip-" she sprinted the opposite direction, back to the forest where she originally spawned.

'that's good information. so if im in jujutsu kaisen, i should have cursed energy and, or a technique.'
the girl faced a tree, closing her eyes and trying to feel the core of cursed energy, even though she had no idea what she was doing.

she focused her energy into her fist, taking a step back, she punched the tree.


'ahah nothing works on the first try, right? ' haya sighed, sad. deciding to try again, with more focus being put into her fist. she slightly saw an outline of cursed energy around her fist.

taking a stance, she once again punched the tree. which basically blew a giant hole through the tree.

haya looked in shock, 'dang, that was mad easy. wonder what my cursed technique is.' remembering that most characters in the show could do black flash, she remembered how the move worked, and how they did it.

she decided to copy yuji's black flash from the battle with todo against hanami. taking her stance once again, and facing another large tree.

she imagined her cursed energy looking exactly like yuji's when he did black flash. striking the tree, a black-red like flash appeared right where she hit.
'op? i think so-'

haya then had a thought, what if, she tried copying others techniques?
seems impossible but she wanted to give it a try.

she muttered under her breath, "domain expansion: infinite void", around her turned into a galaxy like area, with the information of everything.

'woah... this is so pretty',
she thought, deciding to undo the domain expansion. she got out. 'can i give myself six eyes? lol let's give it a try',

imagining how the six eyes looked and worked, she focused a bit of energy on her eyes.

she collapsed the moment she
opened her eyes. it was so bright, and she got a headache. it was so severe, she felt like dying. it felt like her brain was getting stabbed over and over.

undoing the six eyes, haya got up.
'that was hell', frowning, she thought of another type of ability gojo had.


op ability.

haya imagined herself having the ability around her, like nothing can touch her. she was gonna train herself to have it on at all times,

CRACK, oc x jjk crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now