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There will be no smut. I just can't do it😭🙏

I woke up i felt arms around me and i knew it was tom. I let go and went to bill me and him started talking. We heard tom coming downstairs when he finally made it he smiled at us and went into the kitchen. "Guys so were gonna be doing out last concert here in California." Bill said. I just nodded and went upstairs to change and get ready. I was doing my hair until i heard a message from my friend Amara. I opened it and it said "lets go to the mall today at 3:00 i texted her and told her okay. I went back to doing my hair and makeup and i got into my clothes.

 I went back to doing my hair and makeup and i got into my clothes

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The fit🙀

I looked at the time and it was 2:30 i got up and went down to the kitchen i grabbed my keys and bill and tom asked where i was going. I told them i was going to the mall with Amara. They just nodded and i left. When i arrived to the mall i saw Amara waiting at the front. We walked in and started shopping we were having so much fun but i heard cameras flashing. And it was paparazzi one of them came up to me and asked if i was toms girlfriend i said no me and amara decided to leave since it was so crowded. She went to the house with me and when we came in tom and bill were getting and so was gustav and georg. Me and Amara went to my room and we started doing our makeup amara went to the bathroom to change and i changed

 Me and Amara went to my room and we started doing our makeup amara went to the bathroom to change and i changed

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Me and Amara finished with everything the group was waiting for us. I saw tom look at me up and down i giggled we went to the tour bus. I sat down next to Amara we were talking about tom and bill. The bus came to a stop and we all went out tom grabbed my hand and we started walking to the stage. I went on the front row while the band was practicing after an hour they opened the gates for the fans to come in they started yelling and screaming. They all ran the band was shocked of how many people came bill was excited and said "thank you all for coming i hope you enjoy the show!" Everyone screamed and was jumping around. They played ready,set,go first. After 2 hours they finished bill said that the band is going to the club and wondered if me and Amara are gonna want to come. Me and amara said no since we were tired bill just nodded.

Me and Amara went back to the house and started talking. We fell asleep fast i woke up to my phone ringing alot. So did Amara i checked my phone and i had alot of instagram notifications i opened them and saw tom and another girl making out. My eyes widened and they started tearing up i was so mad i went to toms room but he wasn't there neither was the band. Me and Amara decided to leave and go to a hotel for the week since they are staying for one more week. I packed quickly Amara helped me i grabbed my keys and we left Amara already booked us a hotel we checked in and went to our hotel room. I was crying in amaras arm while she was hugging me and comforting me. The band was spamming me and asking where was i. I had 50 notifications from them and 10 calls i ignored them. Amara had 23 notifications from bill. Amara told me if she wanted to go to a coffee shop to get everything off my mind so we did.

When we walked in we saw the band. They turned and saw us. I looked at them me and Amara turned quick and started leaving we were running to the car they were behind us calling our name. We came in the car quick and left as fast as we can. Me and Amara decided to go to the beach we sat down i put my feet in the water trying to get everything of my mind. I heard paparazzi we were gonna leave but we saw tom and bill looking for us. Me and Amara put our hoodies on. And went into the crowd to hide. When me and Amara were walking i bumped into someone i looked up and it was Tom. I tried to run but he got a hard grip on my wrist.

Tom: Mia why have you been ignoring us.

: Go away and let go.

Tom: mia please tell me what happened.

I started crying.

: Tom how could you make out with a girl again. Idc if you were drunk you have done it twice im so done with you.

Tom stared at me in shock and he let go. He looked down.

Tom: Mia im sorry she came in and kissed me first and her friend took a picture of me and her i pushed her away even asked bill.

I turned to bill and he nodded.

Sorry i didn't finish this chapter yesterday.
I was busy with homework😭🙏

I need ideas😭 mistakes will be checked tomorrow.

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