Call me a being of nature
The energy of air
Lightly touching the ground and the trees, I am the closest thing that could ever touch the surface of the Earth. I am the oxygen.I'm what makes humans breathe I carry so much that's how it's getting cloudy tempting what may I see birds fly across the skies by they need air too. it's stunning it's beautiful but sometimes
I'm too much I'd push and push until there is destruction sometimes when people suffer humans suffer when I become too much.
Trees fall down windows are broken. I cause war before the war even start, but I can also stop the war before it even starts. I try so hard to keep the winds at bay
But it's who I am that's what I live for I am The cause for the every day nobody told me that this is my job. Nobody told me that this was something
I was going to do forever but I am it's my responsibility now I wonder how that happened