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"I swear to fucking god, if Stan finds out I had sex with your bitchass. If you tell him, you are so dead." I threatened Kenny.

"Oh don't worry about that, ur secret is one-hundred procent safe with me Kyley." Kenny grinned as he took a long drag on his cigarette, me doing the same shortly after but slightly coughing in the progress.

"Quit calling me that. It's pissing me off." I complained with an obviously irritated tone. Afterwards, my phone started ringing. I picked up the object and looked at the lit up screen to realize it was Stan. I instantly hung up to send him a message instead.


Stan I can't call atm
I'll call you later

Stan 🫶
Y? Where the fuck are you Kyle? You can't randomly disappear from the party without even telling me your leaving and then say you can call while I'm fucking worried about your ass.

Calm down dude.
Ill be home in js about an hour

Bet. Ly 🫶


"Is it stan?" "Why the hell would you care?" I shot back at him, shutting off my phone afterwards. "Okay, sorry for that. But uhm, could I shower here? I really have to leave soon" I asked in an apologizing way, but not exactly meaning it.

You may ask, "Kyle, why are you so grumpy against one of your childhood friends?" ; because I just did something that I wasn't supposed to do with my friend, while having a loving boyfriend I've been dating for years.

"Mhm." Kenny nodded, granting me access to his bathroom. It's not like I was never allowed to shower at his place, I just like to ask a lot of questions in these kind of situations.

After a second, I stood up and headed over to Kenny's bathroom that was down the hall when you exit his bedroom. He already offered to let me borrow some of his clothes last night, as long as I bring them back. It's pretty obvious I would since he's still the substandard and doltish guy he always was.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After a few minutes of waiting for the temperature to rise, I stepped in. I wasn't planning to stay here any longer than thirty minutes since I just (accidentally) screwed my best friend, made my boyfriend worry about my "ass" and I'd rather shower in my own house than here.
Once I got out of the shower, I put on the borrowed clothes and brushed my teeth with my own spare toothbrush. Afterwards, I walked back into Kenny's room to get the rest of my stuff and noticed that Kenny was already fully dressed.

"I'll bring you to your house, I gotta drop by butters anyway." Kenny offered. "Are you gonna tell him about last night?" I asked, avoiding looking at him. "Probably, I'll convince him it was a mistake and that I was drunk.

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