Chapter 23 • murderers next door

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A few minutes after I got out of bed, Stan arrived downstairs just a minute or two later. "Guess who finally got up." I announced. "Choke on a cock." Stan murmured as he slipped on his pair of vans.

I slightly chuckled at his comment and fixed my hat that I actually just started wearing again. I'm not planning on wearing it every single day, it's only temporary.

As for Stan : he still wears his hat alot, especially around friends. The reason? I tried bleaching his hair and keep his roots black once but it came out looking weird, so now he simply covers it with his beanie.

I turned around just to see a very focused Stan posing infront of the mirror singing...the grammarly advertisement.

"Seriously? The grammarly advertisement? I expected just a bit better than this, man." I laughed. Stan instantly acted normal again and cleared his throat. "And your small. But still appealing." Stan replied.

"Dude, I'm clearly taller than you and that's a statement." I stated, standing right infront of him to prove it. Obviously I was right, but I'm right most of the times so that isn't surprising.

Anyway you probably thought I was shorter than Stan. Wel guess what, I'm fucking not.

"Wel. That doesn't stop me from topping you every single time." Stan said, looking up at me with a grin.

"Ugh.." I moaned walking over to the front door. I opened the door wanting to step outside already. Instead to my surprise, I saw Craig and Tweek standing there with Craig's finger on the doorbell.

"Oh..uhm. Hi." I awkwardly greeted. Tweek happily waved at me in response. "We wanted to pick you up and then drive over to the office together. You want to or not?" Craig asked.

"I guess it's fine with me. Stan would've probably agreed with this anyways. Tho, are we going with y'all's car or ours?" I responded.

"Ours! We figured our-GAH!- car had more space then yours. Sorry if that's s-sounds a little rude." Tweek answered, fiddling with the buttons of his shirt in the progress.

"Ah, no it's totally okay. Just wait a quick minute or two, we'll be out soon." I excused myself, then closed the door.

"Tweek and cr-" "- I know, I definitely heard you three." Stan cut me off. "You know I fucking hate it when you cut me off mid sentence." I frowned. Stan quietly chuckled. "I also know that. That's the reason I do it."

"Marsh, you are on the goddamn edge of walking to that fucking office if you don't quit it." I warned. Great, now I look like a fucking mom who's scolding her druggie son. We can't really compare that, so let's forget I thought about that.

"Copy that, Sir." Stan smiled. "Fucking idiot." I murmured, walking off to head outside again. I opened the front door again, just to find Tweek and Craig sitting infront of the door, playing who can throw a stone the furthest.

"Hi kids. You can grab some lemonade inside if you get bored from playing your silly game." I joked as they both slightly flinched, then turning around to look at me.

"Hi whore. You can be quiet next time when you let Stanley help you in your silly fuck sessions." Craig shot back. "You got a point there." I agreed, crossing my arms.

"What's taking Stan so long?" Tweek questioned. "He's checking himself out in the mirror as if he changes everyday. Oh and while singing, but actually singing the grammarly ad." I answered. "That ad he send in the group chat?" Craig now started asking questions. I nodded in response.

"The grammarly ad is just too good. You would understand if you had a good music taste." Stan suddenly said as he sneaked up behind me. "Oh, you fucking asked for this" I warned, turning around and delivering the smallest and painless slap to his cheek. On purpose. Don't forget that.

Stan started at me in "utter shock". Dramatic, fake tears started filling his eyes, a few drops running on the cheek I slapped. "Wow Kyle..I didn't expect you to use violence against me." Stan jokingly sobbed. "Go fuck yourself." I said.

"Trouble in paradise?" Craig asked. "Good! Maybe you two can definitely help each other..actually don't tho because I would actually kill myself if you did." I responded. Stan wrapped an arm around me. "I would never leave you, even after that slap" he reassured.

"I wanna be visually impaired already." Craig announced.


Sorry for the short chapter again 😔

And some new news about my posting schedule : since I only have three weeks of summer vacation left, I'll try to have three more chapters posted of this book. I just can't write on some specific days like my little sisters birthday, and the day I get braids.

So that's everything I wanted to tell you all :) this was probably very unneeded information but okay

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