Truth and rumor

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"Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: Humans and Monsters. Although the world belonged to them, they were not in control. They would never be in control so long as they were ruled by their fear. 

One day, war broke out between the two races. Humans, fearing the monsters' power, and monsters, fearing the humans' strength, battled to push the other race down into the mountain they lived alongside. They slaughtered innocents to procure their domain over the world. Many monsters and humans were lost. Yet, after a long battle, the humans were victorious.   

They used their magic to seal the monster king and his people beneath the mountain, leaving them to rot. For a while, the monsters tried desperately to escape. It didn't take long, though, for the hopelessness to set in. They began to build homes and expanded out into the chasm. The monsters erected a kingdom beneath the mountain.

 Centuries passed, the world evolved, and its people let the legend of the monster kingdom fall to the wayside. Mt. Ebbot became a hotspot for suicides. After all, nothing that went down into the mountain ever came out again. 

Just as peace began to fall once more, brought on by the acceptance of their demise, unrest began anew. Again, fear bred conflict in the hearts of the people. 

The monster king, in his kindness, had rescued two humans who had fallen into his kingdom. Most praised him, but some became angry. How could he show the humans mercy after what they had done? He knew that the humans' souls were the key to breaking the barrier keeping them all trapped underground. The king knew this well, but he couldn't bring himself to kill the two girls he had called his daughters. 

So, the girls lived, but what became of the king and his love? Some say his oldest daughter turned on them one day, killing them in cold blood and lighting the castle on fire. Some believe that a group of rebels assassinated the king and the queen died trying to defend him. Some even say that they went into hiding, ashamed and afraid of the choices they had made, fleeing deep into The Ruins, never to be seen again. Of course, only the royal children know since the elder queen executed most of the staff under suspicion of treason!"

Gerson, the old turtle monster from the shabby shop in Waterfall burst into a manic cackle as the children standing at his window burst into tears. One of the, the little queen, frowned deeply at him.

"That isn't funny, Gerson," she said as the children ran away from him, "You can't say stuff like that. You can't act like she's some mon-". Gerson raised an eyebrow at her; she coughed awkwardly. "You know what I mean," she said, "Stories like that make people angry. Chara's gone through a lot, and me and Asriel are doing what we can to help her get better. Besides, she's not the worst queen-". "She ain't the best one, either," he interrupted, leaning back in his creaky wooden chair, "You can't forget history just 'cause it's more convenient for you, little princess,". 

Frisk looked away, pursing her lips. "That isn't what I meant," she muttered. "But it's whatcha said," Gerson said. He lifted a cracked teacup from under his desk, unwrapped a tea packet covered in undersea growth, and dunked it into the warm water. 

"What's that?" Frisk asked, hopping up and sitting on the counter. "Medicine," Gerson responded, lifting the cup to his mouth, "Helps me work a little faster,". Frisk nodded, kicking her legs as they dangled over the side of the counter. "Can I have some?" she asked. Gerson laughed. "You don't need any more energy than you already got," he chortled. "I'm not very fast, though," the little queen pouted. "Well, ya sure move around a lot" Gerson commented, "I wouldn't be surprised if your brother came by tomorrow and told me you'd wandered off into the center of the earth!" The turtle monster cackled again. Frisk very abruptly stopped swinging her legs. 

"Do you have anything interesting?" she asked suddenly. "Nothin' I didn't have yesterday," Gerson responded, sipping more tea. Frisk sighed, digging a handful of coins from her pocket, and setting it onto the table. "Can I have an apple?"

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