Remember When (Name) Got Sick?

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Shaka's POV

I woke up the next day tired since we stayed up all night celebrating the Cresthaven being restored. I stayed in bed before deciding to text my girlfriend. I was still thinking about how she might be hiding something.

"My Girl ❤️"

'hey, good morning'

No reply. I frowned. Maybe she's still asleep. She loves to sleep in on Sundays. Meanwhile...

"Boys, get up! It's time for church!" M'Dear called from downstairs. Me and Mazzi groaned.

"I heard that!"


Third Person POV

(Name) woke up to the sound of beeping and the smell of crappy air fresheners. She felt a weight on her hand and opened her eyes to see her dad asleep with his hand on her's.

"Dad?" She called out. She tapped his head when he didn't wake. Harry slowly opened his eyes before standing up and hugging her tightly. (Name) slowly hugged back, a bit uncomfortable.

"You good? Why am I in a hospital?"

"Oh, (Name)..." Harry started crying. (Name)'s eyes widened. Her father hadn't cried since her mother died.

"You- you have leukemia. Acute myeloid leukemia. Stage 2."

(Name)'s heart shattered as the words processed. Leukemia? Would she die? What would the McKellans think? Especially Shaka? She was snapped out of her trance when her father spoke up. His voice cracked as he talked.

"The doctors s-say," He started with a shaky voice. "that you have a good rate of surviving if we undergo t-treatment as soon as p-possible. But, that means y-you'll lose your hair f-from chemo." Her eyes widened as she looked down to keep tears from falling.

"I will go f-find the dogs for y-you." He said while stuttering. He held back a sob. "T-the hospital u-understands that they are your emotional s-support animals, so they kept them here. If you need anything, t-there are nurses down the hall. Here."

Harry handed your phone over to her. "You might want to... entertain yourself and take your mind off the news for a little bit."

He kissed her head before leaving as (Name) stared at her phone.


(Name)'s POV

I had no words. The same sort of disease that took my mother away from me.

A notification chimed from Shaka.

'hey, good morning'

I stared at it before deciding to ignore it. I sighed and looked out the window.

"I don't wanna die, Momma. Not yet."


Third Person POV

The McKellan family had returned home from church just as Harry knocked on their door. Moz opened it to see his longtime friend. "Hey, Harry."

They gave each other a hug and a pat on the back. "What brings you here? Usually you come to drop off (Name)."

Harry smiled sadly. "Not today. I have some news for you all, and it's not good."

Mazzi stood up from his stool. "You're gonna stop making music?! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He fell to the kitchen tile before Cocoa smacked his head and told him to get off the floor.

Shaka McKellan x Reader: My Girl~Where stories live. Discover now