Remember When Our Son Was Broken?

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It had been days since you had broken up with Shaka and you both were miserable. You were the sun to his moon. He was the icing to your cake.

You were currently in your hospital room eating a popsicle to help with the chemo. Your nurse, Aisha, came in to check on you talking with your dad. You smiled softly as you saw the way they looked at each other. You and Shaka used to look at each other like that.

"Alright, (Name), are you ready for your cleanse?"

You sighed. "Do I have to?"

Aisha chuckled. "Yes, you do. Here, let's have a deal, if I can cleanse your ports without any fussing, I'll sneak you some ice cream."

Harry laughed at your thinking face (🤔) before hearing you say, "Mmkay..."

Aisha smiled before putting on gloves to get ready to flush your ports.


Shaka was on his bed staring at the ceiling. He took a glance to the flower he would've given you. He had put it in a pot and was taking very nice care of it.

Mazzi was across the room getting ready for school. "You know, this wouldn't have happened if you had just trusted her."

"Mazzi, I don't need this right now-"

"No, but you do. She didn't say it, but I could tell she loved you. How could you not trust her?! She was your girlfriend for God's sake!"

Shaka got up from his bed and got in Mazzi's face. "Say one more word-"

"Boys!" They both turned their heads to the doorway to see Cocoa.

"Enough. Shaka, get ready for school. Mazzi, stop antagonizing your brother."

"Yes, ma'am." The boys both said in unison.

Mazzi went downstairs before taking one last look at his brother.

Shark groaned and threw his shoe at the wall.

"Boy-" He heard M'Dear from downstairs before panicking and putting on his school clothes.


You were writing in your songbook while muttering lyrics. "One night a few moons ago, I saw flecks of what could've been lights, but it might just have been you~"

Your father walked in at that moment. "Your song is coming along well. What inspired it?"

You stayed silent and your head slightly dropped down. Your father understood immediately. "Ah. I see."

You wiped your forming tears. "I remember when he invited us to the coast. We went down to the beach, and there was snow. It was so weird." (i am referring to the weather in texas. one day it's 70 degrees but feels like 90 and the next, it's 50 but feels like 20) Harry frowned and wrapped you in his arms.

"I just don't understand," you sniffed. "Everything was going so well."

Harry wiped your forming tears. "Well, honey, boys can be assholes."

You laughed a bit before hugging him back. "I know I don't say this much, but I love you."

Your father smiled and kissed your forehead before leaving. "I love you too, my little songbird."


A few days later

Shaka wasn't focusing in school anymore. His grades had dropped and he wasn't happy anymore. He even stopped dancing. His family had had enough.

"Shaka!" M'Dear called him down. Shaka slowly slumped down the stairs to find his family members all sitting or standing around the kitchen island.

"Come sit, baby." Cocoa called him. The teenager came and sat on an empty bar stool before looking at his parents.

"Son, why can't you smile?"

"Because I lost the girl I love."

"Hah! Love?! Boy, you are too young-" M'Dear started.

"Enough, M'Dear." Moz said. "Shaka, why would you doubt her-"

"Dad, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Mazzi, I don't need this right now."

Jade butted in. "You have to know, Shaka, that she never wanted to hurt you. She never wanted anything to happen to you. She loved you more that she loves me. And you hurt her."

"Do you all think I don't know that?!" Shaka yelled. "Do you think that if I had a chance to make this right, that I wouldn't take it?!"

"You better watch your tone, young man!" M'Dear said.

"M'Dear! Stop!" Cocoa said. "Let him talk. If you can't deal with him saying his feelings, then leave. Please. He's dealing with a lot right now."

M'Dear huffed and walked to her room. Moz sighed before turning to Shaka. "I consider what you and (Name) had as a serious relationship. And a serious relationship needs trust, Shaka. If you two were living together-"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! Moz, he's not going to-" Cocoa butted in.

"It's just for demonstration purposes!" Moz retaliated. At this point, the kids didn't know what to say. Shaka was ready to give up at this point.

"Alright, I'm gone." Shaka said as he stood up.

"Boy, you better sit back down!" Ami said. Shaka rolled his eyes before sitting back down on his stool.

Finally, Moz and Cocoa got back on track, but Shaka was pissed at this point.

"Dad, get to the point, please."

"Okay, okay. So, if she comes home at irregular hours, you have to find evidence, Shaka. (Name) is too kindhearted and too sweet to ever even think of cheating on you. You have to use common sense, son."

"Dad, I didn't know what to do at the time. This was my first real serious relationship with someone. No one gave me a crash course, no one ever gave me any advice or anything-"

"Well, to be honest," Ami butted in. "no one thought you two would end up this long."

Shaka glared at Ami before going up the stairs. Cocoa called after him. "Shaka, we are not done with this!"

"I don't care!" The teenager called back. Cocoa was about to walk upstairs but Moz stopped her.

"Let him cool off."


Shaka held his head in his hands before taking a look at his phone. He gave up and entered his passcode before going to the FaceTime and pressing your contact. It rang for what seems like an hour before stopping. You didn't answer.

Shaka threw his phone into the wall and leaned back. He felt hot tears sliding down his face.

"God, I don't know if you can hear me, but please, release me from this pain. I know I don't deserve her. Let her be feeling better than I am. Amen."

He wiped away a few of his tears before whispering,

"I'm sorry, (Name)."


guys, i am so sorry for how late the update was. i had a whole lotta burnout and i had no motivation to finish this 😓 i promise i'll do better next chapter

i have one thing to say to y'all


love ya 🖤💜

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