| 3 | Source: Just Trust Me, Bro

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Rohan stared at the place I had vanished from, contemplating my words and what he should do next. He took a small notebook out of his pocket and scribbled down all he knew about me, Mickey, and Disney before slipping it back into his jacket. 

Slowly, he walked away from the alley and back into the busy Morioh streets. He headed toward the library, wanting to find out more about this mystery that had been brought upon him.

Unfortunately, there was only one book that matched the topic he was looking for. It was a donation according to the librarian. It seemed to be a journal that entailed fantastical experiences with otherworldly entities, but upon further inspection, they deemed it to be a hoax.

Regardless of the doubt the librarian held surrounding the authenticity of the book, Rohan decided to sift through the pages. The handwriting was elegant, drawn out in deep black ink and accompanied by little doodles scattered across the pages.

As Rohan flipped through it, scanning each page, he became more and more certain that I spoke the truth. Toward the beginning, the author mentions that their work as a teacher was a hindrance - stopping him from reaching his true potential. 

He mentioned that he was struggling to make ends meet - he worked two jobs and neither brought in enough income to support his wife, son, and child that was on the way.

One entry mentioned that he had discovered terrible news that he wished to not write out. The next entry after that was months later. He said that he did some very bad things, but didn't say what. 

The final entry was not dated and the typically neat handwriting was almost impossible to decipher. It was as if the author was disoriented. Many of the words seemed to be complete gibberish. From what was still legible, it seemed as if he had reached a breaking point.

There were no more entries after that, but flipping through the blank pages, Rohan saw something that made his breath hitch. "Is that... blood?" he murmured as he placed his fingers over a peculiar reddish-brown stain.

Rohan read the page over and over again, looking for anything he may have missed. His eyes widened as he realized something. This isn't just nonsense... It's a code! 

He copied the coded message down on a separate piece of paper and checked the book out. As he made his way home, he stared down at the coded message, doing his best to decipher it with what little resources he had available.

Once he decoded it, however, it left more questions than answers. Beware the summoning spell... Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse?

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