something in my friend group

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Before we get started, I would like to make it known that not everyone in my friend group are friends.

So, let's call these 4 people A, B, C, and D.

A and C are dating. B is one of A's closest friends and is friends with C. A and B are also friends with D. Idk if C and D are friends or anything. I'm personally not that close or really friends with either of them, but I know all of this stuff bc A and B are my closest friends.

A has somehow convinced D that she's dating both B and C. Like, D actually thinks that.

Today, in some of the friend group's group chat (C and D are not in it; the chat was made in 7th grade before we knew them), A sends a screenshot of something D asked about advice for fighting C. B pops in and goes "I ship D and C" and A goes "Awww they'd be so cute together."

I just think it's funny.

Also, going back in time a week at most, D invites A and B (and possibly C?) to a party. This other close friend of mine (but who has never really talked to D), who we'll call E wants to go but wasn't invited, so after B tells D and D is like "she's never spoke a meaningful word to me" and that he doesn't have good experiences with people inviting themselves in the past (which, valid. tbh I think they should have stopped there), E tells B to tell D that E housed D's gf, who we'll call F and was a foreign exchange student who moved back home before half of the school year. A also tells B to tell D that E is A's gf just to expand the polyamory lore. I don't think A did but E did end up getting cleared to go to the party.

That same day, D also texts A some stuff about doing couples stuff with homebrews, with it originally being A and either B or C and D and F as the couples, but then A says that B and C would both have to come bc they get jealous easily.

idk what's going on anymore tbh. I'm so glad to be on the sidelines of this tho bc it's hilarious.

Also btw D is the one kid that a few weeks ago told B and I "I hope you guys aren't infertile" randomly.

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