Fight Me BITCH!

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The school reopened and Axel met Thais on the first day at their special spot. Flowers covered the tree and leaves fell to the ground... and all over the two young people who stood under the tree.

Thais had no words for she felt strange. This new feeling was awkward, warm and fuzzy, almost like the love she once had for Axel.

Before she could talk, Axel hugged her and apologized.

When Thais asked what was wrong he told her that he didn't mean for their previous event to take place. He had apparently lost control of his feelings when he saw Thais in her dress and was enveloped in a wave of lust.

Thais was broken on the inside but she refused to show it. Tears welled in her eyes despite her struggle to prevent them from falling down her cheeks.

One tear fell and with it Axel got his answer. He apologized again and tried to convince her that it was her that he loved but just could not hurt Ira because she was mentally unstable.


Ira, apart from being a total nightmare, she, like every other person on planet earth, had problems at home. She was also a suicidal person. Axel did not want anyone's blood on his hands and he knew that Ira was by far, weaker than Thais. He knew Thais did not need him in her life but this is where he was undoubtedly wrong.

Thais did in fact need him. He was her safe space. He was her balance to everything she was facing. He was her distraction. He was her true love and she did not love him because of what he helped her with... she loved him because of who he was. All the little things no one else saw, Thais did. She noticed how his smile was not perfect it was slightly crooked to the right and it was barely noticeable. She noticed how he used his entire body to communicate but only if the topic being covered was of particular interest to him. She noticed how he smiled whenever someone gave him food. She noticed everything and she loved him for it.

Thais held Axel close in her embrace as he returned the gesture. The two were obviously not ready to be parted.

Ira's best friend was not far off and she was not happy.

She reported back to her best friend immediately what had taken place and this was the beginning of the worst day ever.

Thais left Axel that morning after they agreed to spend the lunch hour together if they were free.

Thais had a tough morning during the next few classes and could not wait to spend time with Axel. Ira, however... had other plans in mind.

She kept Axel busy and with her so he could not meet Thais. That little plan of Ira's failed however because Thais knew Axel inside out and found him in a finger snap. She sat next to Ira and spoke sweetly to her, hoping to become her friend instead of her enemy.

Ira pretended to be nice to Thais and it was so fake that it seemed genuine.

It almost had me convinced!

After sharing stories of how crazy her day had been, mostly to Axel of course, Thais asked Ira how her day was....

Just then Alier and Taniala, two of Thais' best friends walked up to the classroom and called Thais aside to speak with her.

Avery's birthday was coming up and they needed to plan something quick. Thais called Axel over and together they whipped up a surprise party within minutes. As the group laughed and joked as they planned out the party for Avery, Ira and Gregoria stood in another corner of the room and whispered.

Taniala and Alier left the classroom after approximately five minutes and Axel returned to his project at his desk. Ira walked over in an enraged way and grabbed her bag to leave. Axel asked her what was wrong and all she said was

"Why should I stay here!??"

Thais was confused as the girl burst into tears. She cried and Axel hugged her to try calming her down. Ira hit Axel multiple times like those girls do in the movies. It was way too dramatic to be real, but her..... Ira was a crazy person.

Gregoria walked up to Thais and said, "Stay the fuck away from Axel you little whore."

Thais was not going to back down and allow people to speak to her as though she was their dog or some animal or something, and she for the first time in her life stood up to Gregoria and Ira.

"Fisrtly, bitch, I run my own beat so you cant tell me what the fuck I can or can't do"



To be fair to everyone... Thais did use some strong language to argue her point but she only did so out of rage and instantly regretted it, owned up to her mistake and faced all the fair punishments required.

Thais told the girls to back off because Axel did not belong to them and could not be pushed around like some toy they found rather amusing.

The demons wanted to get into a physical fight and out of pure unfiltered rage, Thais was ready to fight them.

The rage was ungodly and was like nothing else she ever experienced in her entire life before. Somehow she liked the feeling and this was fueling her to stand up for herself. This was a new version of herself that no one knew,... not even her.

Taniala and Alier returned just as Ira slapped Thais and Thais pushed her to the floor. Thais adoptive brother was also with the girls and he smiled quickly before containing his amusement.

He did not want his sister to be fueled even further since he knew that damage she could cause the girls.

Thais could seriously hurt them and get herself in trouble so Seth tried calming down his sister.

Ira fell down when Thais pushed her and a trash can fell onto her spilling the contents all over her and Gregoria.

Axel sat in disbelief as to what he just witnessed. Somehow he felt as though this was all his fault.

Thais felt guilty but at the same time she felt strong. She was no longer afraid of Ira and Gregoria's bullying.

Taniala and Alier stood behind Seth as Thais stormed off from the scene with and incredible speed. They ran to catch up with her and she outran them all.

Thais went to her special spot to regain her self control and reflect what had just happened.

All of her friends knew exactly where to find her, including Axel but right now they knew that she needed to be alone.

After that fight, Axel blamed her for Ira trying to hurt herself. Thais told him that she was not to blame for the actions nor the choices made by Ira but Axel could not listen to the girl.

Axel and Thais got into a huge argument about it in front of almost all of their classmates and they did not speak for that entire week.

As fate would have it, the two missed each other again and by Friday they were all up in each other's personal space again.

Thais begged Axel to make a decision between her and Ira for she did not like being the other girl at all. The boy told her he had it under control and she need not worry one bit and that it would all work out perfectly for them. Thais wanted more than anything to believe his words but something stopped her.

Was Axel double crossing her? She could not face this truth a third time. Love made her forgive but by all means she did not forget. That pain hurt and mental trauma and torment... stayed with her.

Over time there were many fights between Axel and Thais but each one was resolved by their passionate moments shared with the other.

It was up to Axel to make a choice... Who would it be? Thais or Ira?

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