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   Despite what they had done to save their family, taking a part of the Hollow into themselves and reestablishing the old link the Hollow had once put on them, Mira and Hope were so far coping okay. Freya had kept a close eye on both of her nieces afterwards, looking for any signs that the dark magic was effecting them, but they seemed to be fine after getting a good night of sleep. Mira couldn't help but smile when she woke, finding Elliot and Grace curled up either side of her, not wanting to leave her side until they knew that their sister was okay. 

   That morning, Klaus had gathered all four children and Freya for a celebratory breakfast down in the dining room. He'd gone all out for it, reminding Hope and Mira of the day he first introduced them both to beignets seven years ago, at the table filled to the brim with different desserts and pastries they'd found down in the courtyard. Hayley hadn't been too impressed when she found them, but it was hard to be mad seeing both of the girls so happy. The two cousins sat side by side on one side of the table, Klaus sitting at the head while Freya sat opposite Hope, Elliot and Grace beside her. 

   "The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you two, we celebrate a new beginning." Klaus began, smiling at his daughter and niece, and they gave small smiles in return. "One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family. Always and forever." He raised his glass in toast, the five of them doing the same.

   "Would you please pass the beignets?" Hope smiled politely at their aunt.

    "Of course." Freya passed over the tray to Hope, who took one gratefully.

    "Us too, Hope." Grace grinned, and Hope smiled before leaning over and handing one to Grace and Elliot each. "Thank you!"

   "So, Rebekah will be back in a few days." Klaus announced to them all. "She's just tying up some loose ends overseas."

   "Aunt Rebekah's coming?" Elliot questioned happily, earning a nod. "Awesome."

   "It'll be nice to have her here." Hope agreed.

   Freya smiled at the thought. "It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again."

   "Shame uncle Kol couldn't be convinced to stay longer." Mira added, picking at the food on her plate.

   But they'd all understood why he needed to go, and his want to get back to Davina as soon as possible. He'd made a point to wait to say goodbye before he left, making sure to get a hug from his three nieces and nephew and a promise they'd come out to visit him and their aunt soon. And since they no longer had anything stopping them from doing so, the kids had made the promise without any hesitation. 

Absolution [ELIJAH MIKAELSON] [2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now