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   Elijah watched Audrey sleeping beside him, grazing his fingers lightly across her skin as he stroked her arm. It was quiet throughout the compound that morning, and he didn't have the heart to wake her just yet. She looked so peaceful, and for the first time in months, she looked like she didn't have worry piled high on her shoulders. The worry a weight she carried because she chose to love him, despite everything that had happened, everything he had done. She chose to stay by his side, and Elijah loved her with everything in him. She'd brought so much light into his life, she'd given him their daughter, the unconditional love of a child he thought he'd never experience. 

   With a small yawn, the Gilbert girl rolled over and curled up closer in his arms, resting her head on his chest. "Were you watching me sleep?" She mumbled tiredly, her eyes slowly fluttering open. 

   "Hmm." He hummed, pressing a kiss on her shoulder. "Possibly, a little."

   "Any reason why?" She tilted her head at him, a small smile twitching on her lips.

   "No." He shook his head, smiling back as he gazed in her eyes. "I just love you." He mumbled, pulling her into a kiss. 

   She smiled against his lips as she kissed him back, sitting up slightly as she pulled away, resting her forehead against his. Elijah's hand moved to rest gently on her cheek, carefully brushing her hair back from her face and behind her ear. "I love you too." She said wholeheartedly, gazing back at him. "He just needs time."

   Elijah bit his lip at that. "I don't deserve his forgiveness, even if he was willing to give it." He admitted. "You said to me the other day, that's there's always another way, even if we don't see it at the time. There was another way. I had a choice to make, I picked in the moment what felt like the only option."

   "Marcel was rightfully angry about Davina." She said, knowing she could be honest with him about she felt. As much as she loved him, and this wouldn't change that, she didn't agree with what he'd done to Marcel. With what he and Freya had done to Davina. "She was his family, and she died so we all could live. Not out of her own choice, but ours. He didn't deserve to die for his grief."

   "No, he did not." He agreed, the guilt appearing back in his eyes. 

   As worried as he was about Klaus forgiving him, Audrey doubted that he would ever forgive himself for what had happened. She leaned in and kissed him once again, tilting his chin up so their eyes met when she pulled away. "No matter what, you're not alone." She reminded him. "You have me. Always."

   Elijah knew he'd never have the perfect words to express just how much that meant to him. How much everything she did in his life meant to him. Their moment was brought to a close, as the sound of Mira's crying filled their ears, the little girl letting her parents know she was awake and needed them. 

   "I've got her." Elijah rose from bed, before Audrey had a chance to move. "You rest."

   As he left for the nursery, Audrey let out a small breath as she laid back down in bed, closing her eyes to enjoy just a moment longer before she had to get up.

Absolution [ELIJAH MIKAELSON] [2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now