Chapter 9

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I was so screwed! Literally, I was as screwed as they came. The


Mandy couldn't come out with me on Saturday because her parents

were celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary and were going

away for the weekend with the whole family. Why couldn't they have

been married a week later? A week later when it was more

convenient for me?

To make matters worse, I rang Christian to see if he would go out

and then let me stay the night at his place after. He said yes at first,

but then, a couple of days later, he suddenly canceled on me. It was

something to do with a last-minute job that paid well¸ and he needed

the money.

I was thinking I might as well give in to Hero, but then something

made me change my mind.

I was on my way home and felt like I was being followed again. It

freaked me the hell out, and I didn't know who else to call.

Sighing, I gave into the fact I had no one else and dialed Hero's

number. I really wished I hadn't. I heard a girl giggling straight away.


My fear quickly turned to anger. "Jo?" he asked again, but I didn't

want to hear anymore. I was done.

Instead, I kept hold of the anger, and that was what drove me all the

way home. Once I was there, I looked both ways before unlocking

the gate. I knew no one would be at home as it was close to four,

and no one would be back until at least six.

I walked in, quickly shut the gate behind myself, and made my way

to the door. Once there, I opened it and immediately slid down once

it was shut.

Fuck! I was sick of this. Sick of feeling used. Sick of feeling scared,

and sick of feeling anything but hatred for that damn man!

Knowing that I didn't want to feel like this anymore, I quickly got

myself up. The pain on my stomach was nowhere near as bad as it

had been a few days earlier. It was Friday, and I groaned, knowing

all too well what that meant.

The party.

The endless act that my mother would put on.

The act that I would have to put on while knowing I was living with

two men... both of whom I had screwed.

God, this was hell.

Feeling sweaty, I decided to go for a swim. I was feeling too uptight

and needed a distraction to calm me down.

After dropping my bag in my bedroom, I changed and walked

downstairs towards the pool area.

I dove in, feeling the cool water on my skin. I loved these times. At

least these moments were mine, and no one could take that from

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