Chapter 10

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"Robert." I gave him a half-smile, even though my smiling mood had suddenly waned.

"Josephine, you look beautiful." He peered over my body, and I immediately felt violated. I had never felt the need to cover up as much as I felt the need to do so at that moment. Did I seriously attract them or what?

"What are you doing here?" Hero seethed through gritted teeth.

Robert just grinned even wider. "Josephine's mum kindly invited me.

I wouldn't have missed this special occasion for the world." He smiled brightly at my mother, and she cooed back in his direction.

"Besides, it gives me and Josephine the chance to get to know each other a little more."

I groaned—not enough for Robert and my mother to hear—but certainly enough for Hero to sense my distaste.

"Kat, it wasn't a good idea to invite him."

My mother looked taken aback. I nudged Hero to tell him to shut up.

Lord knows how much trouble Robert could stir if this got out of hand.

"Why ever not, Hero?"

Hero looked at me, and I glared at him to shut up. Hero pursed his lips and looked back at my mother. "I just worry about his intentions, that's all."

My mother gasped with a smile and placed her fake hand over her equally fake heart. "Oh, look at that. Your father and I aren't even

Married yet, and you're already feeling protective over your little sister."

I choked. Big time. So much so that Hero had to pat me on the back a few times. "Are you okay?"

I looked up at him with watery eyes, and I could see the concern in his.

Was he really worried about me? Surely Hero didn't have a heart?

"Why don't you take Robert for a walk around the grounds? I'm sure he would love to see more of the house." My mother's eyebrow rose as if she was sharing some kind of inside joke. I didn't have a clue what she was up to, but I didn't like it. I didn't like it one little bit.

"I would love that. Shall we?" Robert offered his arm to me, but I just stared.

"Maybe I should come."

Kat laughed at Hero. "Seriously, Hero. Josephine isn't a little girl anymore. She doesn't need chaperoning."

Robert glared at Hero. "Yes, it could be misinterpreted." He briefly looked at me, his eyebrow raised in challenge.

Hero stepped forward like he was about to charge. "What are you trying to imply?"

Panicking, I stepped forward before it got out of control. I turned directly to Hero and glared at him. "Hero, it's fine. I can show him around." He went to argue, but I grabbed his arm. I squeezed tightly to get him to shut up. "It's only a walk." With a whisper, I added,

"You're making a really big deal out of this."

Frustrated didn't even begin to describe how he looked. Eventually, he caved. "Fine," he said through gritted teeth. He looked up to Robert, grunted, "I'll be watching you," and walked away.

"Well, what a loving brother Hero's becoming. It's so sweet."

I almost choked on the bile that rose in my throat. Robert just smiled knowingly in my direction. I knew that he knew what was happening

Even though he had no proof of it. I seriously resolved to be more careful from then on.

"Shall we?" Robert offered his arm, and I reluctantly moved toward him, but not before my mother caught my arm and leaned in to whisper, "Be fucking nice to this one. He's about as good as you're going to get."

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