Chapter 31

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Two weeks had gone by, and I thought I would have felt better by this point.

I didn't.

I felt like fucking shit.

I never knew a time would come when I would meet the right girl.

You know... the one that you wanted to be with even away from all the sex. I wanted Jo with a passion. I wanted her all the fucking time, but the closeness of her was what I craved the most. I longed to be near her. I needed to be near her. She had a pure heart, which was a cure for my diseased one. There was no denying that she was going to be mine. Of course she was going to be mine. There was no other way.

But, then, my world came crashing down. All it took was a note through the door and a blow by fucking blow description of the conversation my dad and Jo had at the gates on his wedding day. I was fucking there. I watched them! I even asked Jo what it was all about, and she just looked me dead in the eye and lied to me. It was some shit about her accepting my dad into the family. What fucking bullshit.

Yet, here I was on day fucking fifteen, still wishing and yearning to be with her. I spent my time at the penthouse as my dad decided to move to a hotel until, hopefully, things settled down a bit.

Yeah... fat fucking chance.

I was trying to get over her. I really was. I even invited a girl round and tried to get it up. No fucking use. Jo had bewitched me. She made sure of that the day she met me. The only thing left to do was drown my sorrows.

So that was what I did most nights. Women were no fucking use, so why not alcohol? Pathetic excuse, I know, but it worked. For a little while anyway.

I was sitting on the sofa watching The Breakfast Club. I loved that fucking film. I was at the part where Bender was asking Vernon if Barry

Manilow knew that he had raided his wardrobe when my phone started ringing.

I looked down, disappointed when it wasn't from my Jo. Fuck knows why because I still wouldn't have spoken with her. I just missed her voice. I missed her... period.

The caller was Beth, my dad's new secretary. At first I was going to ignore it, but something told me to answer it.

"Mr. Fiennes Tiffin, I'm so sorry to disturb you at such a late hour."

I pinched my nose, ready for the shit about some crisis at work with one of our clients. "Don't worry, Beth, what is it?"

She sighed and sounded a little out of sorts. "I really didn't know whether to call you, but the gentleman sounded so insistent. He called the office, but as you know the phone calls come to me after hours. I was told by your father to only call if there was an emergency."

I was getting frustrated now. "Okay, Beth, just spit it out."

"His name is Christian Baker. He sounded a little crazy to be honest.

He kept saying that you had to go round to the Langford residence.

Something about a matter of life or death. He mentioned the name Josephine and left his number. He wasn't making any sense. He was babbling. That's why I thought I had better call you."

My heart rate picked up a notch. Was something wrong with Jo?

"Okay, give me his number, Beth." She read out the number to me, and I wrote it down. By the time I hung up, I was already dialing and gathering my keys to leave.

After one ring, Christian answered. "Please tell me this is Hero?"

I closed my eyes. "Yes, this is he. What the fuck is going on?"

Suddenly, Christian started crying. Out of nowhere, he just started sobbing over the phone to me. "It's Josephine. She's gone round to her mother's house."

I frowned, shaking my head. "So, what the fuck has that got to do with me?"

"Her mother is a fucking psychopath, Hero. Didn't you see that cut on Josephine's arm?"

My eyes widened, and I felt sick. "Her mother did that to her?"

"Yes!" he screeched. "She did it that night at the party. No doubt she gave you some lame excuse as to how she got it. If you noticed any other scars on her, then they are most likely from her mother, too."

I ran my fingers through my hair as I called the lift. "Fuck! Why didn't she tell me?!"

Christian sighed. "Partly because she's ashamed, but also because she thinks she deserves it. She thinks she killed her father, Hero.

That's what she's been brought up on her whole life. Her mother has beaten and bruised her so badly that she thinks she is the cause of her father's death. You and I know that it's not true, but Josephine

has had that thought drilled into her ever since her sixth birthday." He sighed again just as my lift doors opened.

"You have to come over here. I asked her to text me every half hour to make sure she was okay. She texted me at seven and was supposed to text me again twenty minutes ago. I heard nothing, so I made my way over to the house. I told her... I gave her specific instructions that if she didn't respond in time, then I would take action. No one's answering the door.

Something's wrong. Something is most definitely wrong. Please say you can come over? You still have the key to get into the house, right?"

I got in the lift and pressed the basement floor button. "Yes. I'm on my way."

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