Chapter 29

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My throat became suddenly dry. I tried hard to swallow, but it just made my throat hurt. "What are you talking about, Hero?"

Hero stepped forward, his fists to his sides. He looked ready for a fight. "You and my dad—say it isn't true, Jo!"

My mouth opened in shock. I started shaking and looked toward Mason for help. He looked back at me timidly.

"Don't fucking look at him. Answer me!"

The tears welled in my eyes as I frantically scrambled to figure out how they could have known. What had happened since I went to visit Mandy?

What the fuck could have possibly happened?!

I licked my lips and looked back at Hero. I could see the tears starting in his eyes at my silence. He already knew what the truth was before I even opened my mouth.

"It was well before you and me. It was well before anything. It happened over a year ago."

Hero turned around and punched a wall. "Fuck!" I jumped at the sound, feeling the tears come down my face.

"Son, calm down. It was a very long time ago. We weren't to know."

Hero glared at his father. "You weren't to know ... you weren't to know?! How could you, Dad? How the fuck could you do this? You shouldn't have married Kat knowing that you had fucked her daughter. How sick is that?"

I cringed when he spoke about me like that. He just made the whole thing sound so sordid. "Hero, please."

Hero looked back at me. "I trusted you. I told you things about me, and all the time you were laughing behind my back."

I shook my head through the tears. "Hero, that's not true. What happened was so long ago now. Mason and I thought it best to just forget about it."

Hero looked stunned. "Just forget about it? How can any fucking sane person forget about this? You fucked my dad a year ago and then you went crawling into my bed knowing that?"

"What?" Mason gasped.

Hero looked up to him. "Yeah, that's right, Dad. Isn't this just fucking peachy? It seems we all like to keep it in the family, huh?"

My mother wailed and ran off towards her bedroom. Things were just going from bad to worse.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mason looked from me to Hero.

"We were going to. Weren't we, sweetheart? Until that fucker Robert stuck a note through the door revealing a blow-by-blow conversation that you two had at the gates right on the day of your fucking wedding, Dad!"

I wiped my tears away and tried getting closer to Hero, but he backed away. "Hero, you have to understand. I didn't know. I swear. I met your dad in a hotel on my eighteenth birthday. By some strange fucked up coincidence, I met you almost a year later at a different hotel. I never knew who both of you were. Not until the day you turned up at the house to announce we were going to be a family." I stepped forward a little more trying to get closer to Hero. "Knowing what I knew, I tried so hard to stay away from you, Hero. I swear I

Did, but I liked you too much. Then, the more I got to know you, the more I fell in love with you."

"You're in love with him?"

I snapped my head to Mason and nodded my head. "Yes, Mason.

I'm in love with your son. I didn't plan on this. I swear."

Hero stood rigid, but he closed his eyes. He was in pain. I could see it.

I wanted to take that away from him, but I didn't know whether he would let me. I took a few steps towards him and lifted my hand to touch him.

"Hero, I ..."

He pulled away from me. "Get away from me, Jo. Don't touch me."

He looked at me in the eyes. "Don't ever fucking touch me again."

He walked towards the door. "We're done."

I grabbed my chest with my fist. All my breath seemed to come out of me at once. As the tears streamed, I looked across at Mason's dejected face.

"How could this have happened?"

Mason went to open his mouth, but then closed it shut. What was the point in saying anything? What was the point in anything anymore period?

Knowing I had to move fast, I raced out the door without another word and went to my room. I grabbed the suitcase Hero bought for me and started packing as much of my stuff as possible. There was no way I was

Going to be able to live here after this revelation. I wouldn't be welcome here anymore.

Once I was packed, I timidly opened my door and went outside into the hallway. All was eerily quiet, so I made my way down to the bottom of the stairs and quietly opened the door. Once outside, I called a cab and asked to be taken to Christian's house. The whole time I was racing around, I knew my shot at happiness had come to its end. I knew I had failed, and I knew I had lost the one true person who had ever meant the world to me—my best friend.

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