Chapter 32- The End

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“Jump, you take a shower and wait for me. I'll go out for a moment. I'll be right back," Disco came out already dressed up and told Jump who sat in the living room.

“Where are you going?” Jump immediately asked.

“He sent me a message. Said the car broke down on XXX Street, let me pick him up,” Disco said back. Jumper frowned slightly.

"Uncle?" asked Jump, just to make sure. Disco nodded

"Did you call him back yet?" Jump asked.

“I called, but was unable to connect,” Disco replied.

“stay at home. I'll be back soon," Disco said before walking over to grab his helmet to go see his father.

"Ah, take it easy," Jumper said to himself as he got dressed and showered. Then walked out of the bathroom to wipe his hair while also looking at the clock on the wall. How long has Disco been out?

🚪 Buzz!! Buzz

The doorbell to his sounded making Jump startle a little before walking out of the bedroom to open the door. But when he opened it ajar, he saw no one.

"Who's playing?" Jump mumbled to himself before returning to the house with the door closed.

Clash.. !!

The sound of something dropping in the kitchen caused Jump to frown along with walking to see that the back door to the kitchen was left open.


A cat's cry sounded. Jump let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was a cat. Jumper goes to look and finds that the cat is eating bread crumbs.

“Whose cat is this? ” Jumper muttered before squatting and scratching the grinning cat's chin.

Suddenly !!

“Ugh!” The youth was startled when suddenly a thick handkerchief covered his mouth and nose from behind. Some smell filled his nostrils as Jump inhaled the air. The young boy wriggled. He forgot that he was hurting his ankle. Jump tried to lift his hand to rip off the hand of the person who was covering his nose. But it seemed that the other party was too strong for him to fight. The smell that wafted in made Jump feel physically weak when he realized that he was definitely anesthetized But he couldn't resist it at all.
The round eyes slowly closed little by little. All consciousness instantly faded away.

Disco rode his motorcycle down the road that his father had texted him. But driving farther from the city, there was no sign of his father's car. This instantly made the young man feel annoyed. Disco parked on the side of the road. along with taking out the phone and pressing to call his father again. But he couldn't connect as before. Disco thought in his mind that he will try to ride a little further. If he still can't find him, he will return home by himself. Because now it was starting to feel very cold too. When riding further until he reached into another road Disco then took a U-turn to return home Because he didn't feel good at all. Disco rode back home when the sky was getting dark. The young man furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw his father's car parked in front of the house. Disco threw his helmet to the ground and headed straight for the door of the house but the door was locked. Disco hurriedly retrieved the hidden spare key and opened the door immediately. The young man turned on the lights in the house and looked for Jump and his father.

“Jump !!! ” shouted Disco throughout the house but no response. The Young man's heart beat louder. The same atmosphere that he once encountered returned to his brain again. The figure walked towards his bedroom. A strong, trembling hand reached out and twisted the knob. Disco's throat dried up. As soon as the door was opened the strong body went numb when he saw the bodies of two people lying together in his bed. Jump and his Dad are naked together with Jump snuggled up in his father's arms. Disco immediately went straight to the bed.

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