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Both Sakura and Naruko were in book store while they were searching for a book on Northern etiquette. "You sure you want to move with me to Northern Empire?" Naruko asks. "Of course! I'm not an heir to my family, and I have an older brother. But, I want to move to another country and have something to work then marry someone." Sakura said.

'She did say that before...' Naruko thought as she got the flashback from her past life and Sakura saying the same words.

"And the Northern Empire has more history than the South," Sakura said. "Yea, that's true," Naruko said. "And boy, the Northern Empire has more fashion than here and..." Sakura continued talking about the Northern Empire, Naruko only looked down.

'I still don't understand...' Naruko thought.

'Sakura is a sweet girl and a loyal friend. Why would she backstab me, and be with Sasuke...?' Naruko thought.

Northern Empire

A young boy was doing some writing while reading a book when someone came inside.

He didn't dare to look up, instead was continue writing. When a female hand took the book and closed it. Tobirama looked up and saw his mother. "Overworking?" She said. "Sorry, Mother. I didn't know you would come to the Emperor Palace..." Tobirama looked back to his paper. "And I wasn't. But, I heard some rumors that you have a fiance." Tsukyomi sat on a chair. 

"But, you know, maids mostly gossip than know what is going on," Tsukyomi said. 

"Who is this lucky girl?" Tsukyomi asks. Tobirama was silent.

"She doesn't have the same feeling as I have towards her," Tobirama said. Tsukyomi was caught off guard. 

"You, you will marry the girl who doesn't love you? Why? Tobirama, you know what our traditions are!" Tsukyomi said. "It's just an arranged marriage, and, she is from Southern Empire." Tsukyomi's red eyes widen when she hears that.

She stood up and slammed her hand on the table. Tobirama only looked at his mother.

"Tobirama! You just cannot do that! A girl from that Empire?! Their only bad news!" Tsukyomi said. "But father agreed on having this arranged marriage with the daughter of Grand Duke Minato." Tsukyomi's eyes widen when she heard the name.

"Fine, I will talk with Bustuma." Tsukyomi walked away. Tobirama only looked at his mother leaving the library. Before he opened the book and searched the page he was writing.

Tsukyomi was walking around the hallway to find her husband for the explanation. 

Then she saw Butsuma talking with some people. As two people saw Empress, they excused themselves and walked away. "What is wrong Tsukyomi? Are you looking after Tobirama?" He asks.

"I want to talk with you about Tobirama's engagement. A girl from Southern Empire?" Tsukyomi said. "I know you don't like that empire, for destroying your culture, but please listen, that girl is sweet-" "I don't care about if the girl is sweet or not. I don't want anyone from Southern Empire to be here!" Tsukyomi said. 

"I understand that. But, Grand Duke and I made an agreement with each other about this engagement." Bustuma said. Tsukyomi only stared at her husband angrily. 

"And I think you and Minato's daughter will get along," Butsuma said. "Getting along? With a bratty child from Southern Empire? Child of murders of my clan? Over my dead body!" Tsukyomi said.

"Well, she also is the daughter of someone from your clan, Tsukyomi," Butsuma said.

Tsukyomi's eyes widen as she heard that. "If you excuse me, I need to go," Bustuma said as he left. Leaving Tsukyomi all alone. 

'From my clan? But, most of us left to East and North while South was killing our culture...' Tsukyomi thought.

A young girl was running in the darkness as the fire was following her. Naruko turned her head to look at the red fire, to see it changed to have human figures.

"Come with me, I will gladly take with me a traitor." Sasuke's voice came out from the fire. Naruko quickly turned her head and continued running.

'No! I don't want that!' Naruko thought. But she tripped down.

As the fire came down to her, she opened her eyes to see she is in Namikaze palace. In her room.

Safe and sound.

She sat up and breathed in and out to calm herself down. 

'Ugh, ever since I came back, I begin to have these nightmares...' Naruko thought as she held her hands on her head. Then she noticed Kurama. She took it and hugged it tightly.

'I wish to leave this empire, but..' Naruko began to have a flashback with talk of her father.

"Huh? I will move first to North? Alone?" Naruko asks. "Well, I just have something to do here. But, you will be in Senju's care as you will come. You will be alright." Minato said.

"But, I don't want to leave you alone! You are the only family member left after Mom was killed! I don't want to leave you!" Naruko said.

Minato softened his daughter's words. 

"I'm sorry Naruko. But I can't. Even if I wanted to, I can't." Minato said. Naruko looked down.

"But if you are worried to leave alone, then don't worry," Minato said. Naruko looked up. "Not worry? Will someone escort me?" Naruko asks with confusion.

"I talked with the Haruno family, and they gave me permission and blessings to take Sakura to North and be your future lady-in-waiting," Minato said. 

Then the flashback ended, and Naruko was laying on her bed while hugging Kurama. 

She sighed as she pressed her head to her pillow. 

'I'm more likely worried about how people will treat me when they find out my mother is a commoner...? I don't think Empress Tsukyomi would like that. She is serious about her status. So I think she will be against me marrying her son...' Naruko thought.

Then sleep took over her.

4 years later

Two horses were dragging a big blue and white carriage with golden figures throughout the snow as two girls were inside.

Two men outside the blacksmith noticed the carriage and ran towards it.

They stood in front of the carriage, and two white shire horses stopped, two girls inside nearly fell out of their places as the carriage stopped.

"What is going on?! Who are you?!" The coachman said. "Just to ask you, where are you coming from." One blacksmith asks. "We are from the south..." Coachman said. "That explains." The second said to the first blacksmith.

The first man nodded his head. 

"You need to change your wheels, they aren't for this winter like you have." The first man said as he held two horses. Two white shire horses followed and they were close to the blacksmith.

The coachman jumped down and ran towards the door that opened. He showed his hand and Sakura came out. 

"Why do you do that?!" 15-year-old Sakura asks angrily. "Hey, be grateful that we saw you. Much worse scenario and your carriage could have fallen because of these wheels." The 1st blacksmith said as he made sure that the carriage will not fall after he took one wheel.

Sakura only looked at these two. "Um, lady Sakura. Please go inside. Inside the carriage will be much warmer." The coachman said. Then Sakura came inside the carriage.

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