Chapter 1

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Though Clarke and I are finally together, we do not spend as much time in each other's presence as we would like. Our people are not happy about our relationship, and some even believe it faked to bring our people closer, but they do not protest or complain. Though we do get glared at often. Not nearly as much after I punched one of my own men because I was tired of people looking at her wrong.

Raven came up with a "genius" idea so we will not get huffy-her and Octavia's words-when we have not seen each other in a while. She made us a device that allows us to communicate no matter where we are.

I carry it with me everywhere and my people have noticed. Behind my back, they are saying that they are turning me into one of the Sky People. Once I would have ripped their tongues out with my bare hands for daring to speak ill of their Commander, but I have been less violent since I met Clarke.

She stays at the Ark and I stay in Indra's village. At first we met at the Ark but now we often meet in the middle. I train her in hand to hand combat and she teaches me how to use a gun. It does not take me long to realize it is like shooting an automatic bow and become good at it.

Though Clarke is not bad at hand to hand or handling weapons, she is nowhere near good enough to fight against one of the village's children.

She, of course, complained. "Can you not be good at everything?"

Once we moved our training from the Ark, Clarke's mother began to make excuses to come out and watch us. I assume she does so to make sure I do not "defile" her daughter-though I am sure she did more than kiss with Finn-and to make sure I don't kidnap or murder her daughter.

It has been more than a month since we rescued our people and Clarke has still not tired of me. We sit in her room with the door open-Chancellor's orders-in silence. Quiet between us has never been uncomfortable. Instead, it feels almost natural.

"Where do you think Octavia went?" Clarke murmurs.

I can feel the worry radiating off of her and slip my arm around her shoulder. Clarke leans into me.

"I am not sure. She is not with the hunting parties and is not sparring. Lincoln does not seem to know either. I am sure she is fine, Clarke." I press my lips to the top of her head.

She leans up and we kiss gently.

"I know, I'm just worried," she sighs as she pulls away. "Can we look around again?"

"Of course." I stand up and hold out my hand. Clarke smiles as she takes it and I help her up.

We scour the ship once again before ending up in Raven's work room. Clarke walks in first and holds the curtain open for me.

She is more relaxed than I have seen her in the days Octavia has been gone.

"Hey, Commander." A familiar voice says.

I walk inside and take Clarke's hand. I turn my head to see her watching Raven fiddling with something.


Their Enemies (sequel to Her Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now