Chapter 14

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Sleeping next to Clarke this time isn't like the other times. She is once again in danger. The Ice Queen wants her head.

Octavia is a good guard but sleeps like the fallen. I am not sure she would wake up if her bed caught on fire.

I am a light sleeper, which is why I will let myself sleep tonight rather than eyeing the door, warily waiting for an assassin to burst in.

As a precaution, I tell her to take the side of the bed that is closer to the wall. I do not know what I have done to deserve her. She does not question me, does not ask why, she trusts that I am worried for her safety.

And I am.

I maneuver myself so I am almost on top of her, draping myself across her. Clarke does not complain. On the contrary, she strokes my hair gently as I angle myself so my face is hidden in her shoulder. I make sure both ears are not pressed against anything.

I have trained myself to wake up at the slightest sound of a footstep.

I can only hope that this will be enough to keep Clarke safe from the Ice Queen's wrath.

She presses her lips to my forehead and whispers "thank you" and that makes everything worth it.

I would give up anything to keep her safe and happy.

I gently kiss her exposed neck, my lips twitching into a smile as I hear her breath hitch.

I will keep her safe even if it takes me until I draw my last breath to do so.

I "snuggle"-Raven once caught us sleeping in her room and teased us before telling me what the term means-further into Clarke's neck and close my eyes.

I awaken to hear a snort. In my sleepy state, I roll myself completely over Clarke, trapping her beneath my body to shield her from harm. She makes a quiet "oof" sound.

I ignore the fact that her face is in my chest and blink tiredness out of my eyes.

The door is closed and Octavia is sitting up on her bed, amusement shining in her eyes. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?"

I move off of Clarke, giving her a silent apology with my eyes. She kisses my cheek in response and wraps her arms around me.

"Stop being so cute," Octavia groans, "it's too early for that."

"At least we are not waking up the entire encampment with moaning in the morning." I murmur, but Octavia hears me and blushes furiously.

"Okay, that was one time..."

"It was so not one time." Clarke frowns at her friend.

I am not at the Ark as often as she is and I know as well it was more than several times.

"Don't be mad because I get laid." Octavia manages to sound insulted, though I can see she is fighting a losing battle against a smile.

"Everyone's mad because you're loud as hell, O."

"Shut up. It's nearly time for the meeting anyways."

Their Enemies (sequel to Her Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now