Chapter 15

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The leaders question us and I almost feel as if we are on trial. They do seem wary of Clarke. They ask about the Ark and what has happened since they fell from the sky.

Some of the older male leaders' eyes flicker between us. We are sitting close to one another and I would bet my life they have heard that we are sharing not only a guard but also a room.

A younger one catches my eyes and winks as if he thinks he knows we have done something.

They seem confused at our apparent closeness once Clarke gets to the point in our history where she burnt 300 of my warriors alive. And I notice with satisfaction that they seem impressed when we talk about what happened with the Mountain Men and after that, Clarke's kidnapping.

I keep a neutral expression, but it's difficult when other leaders look almost awed at how we rescued her. Though she did help with the escape, so I am not sure rescue is the right term.

"What about you two?" The Ice Queen purrs. "You seem awfully close for two comrades."

"Are our personal lives any of your concern?" I question.

"Only if it's a threat to my people." The Ice Queen looks quite smug again and I feel my hand reach out for Clarke underneath the table. She grounds me so I do not launch myself over the table. Though it still is very tempting.

"Our relationship is of no threat to you." I make eye contact with each leader until they glance away. "Any of you."

The Ice Queen smiles. She has something up her sleeve. "Of course not. How did you enjoy my welcoming committee?"

She is trying to lure us into a rage.

"They were not very welcoming. They attacked us and now they are all dead. You can collect their bodies if you wish. We left them a few hundred paces back."

"Madame, you sent warriors to them? Surely that is a declaration of war."

They look like they want desperately for an excuse to fight. Men. War is kind to no person.

"I do not see it as such," I say, interrupting their gruesome fantasies. "Until there is a formal declaration."

"Formal?" Clarke asks me quietly.

"Written and signed by the Queen herself." I explain.

"I won't be the one issuing one, I can promise you that," the Ice Queen's evil glint in her eyes sends an ice cold spike of dread into me.

I will certainly not sleep tonight. If she did not attack last night, it is almost guaranteed that she will strike tonight and try to ignite the flames of war.

She is mad. Insanity seems to be her most prominent feature. And there's no doubt in my mind that as soon as we close our eyes to rest, she will try to kill us. Or at least Clarke. She may still have that odd obsession with me.

I will be ready for whatever or whoever she sends our way.

Their Enemies (sequel to Her Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now