Chapter 43

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Lexa's POV

I hear the clank of metal as  am shoved into the dungeon. My parents are pulling at their restraints.

"Lexa? Are you okay? What happened?" My mother sounds so worried she almost seems frantic.

"I am fine. The Ice Queen wants me to betray her. I refused." They know by now who in am talking about.

"When is the last time you ate? You look ill." My father notes.

My limbs are shaking with fatigue by that is nothing new. I have been trembling like a weakling for days. At first I thought it was the electricity but now I am thinking it is the lack of food and water.

"Guard!" My mother shouts and if I were not on the verge of fainting I would be impressed at the authority in her voice. "Get Heda something to eat and drink." I see him hesitate, but he quickly complies when she yells again. "Now!"

"Stay awake, Lexa. Do not close your eyes. Think of Clarke. Stay awake." My father pleads.

Clarke is the only thing that keeps me stubborn enough to take each breath. If nothing else, I will see her again before I die. She is more than worth living for.

The guard rushes back, pale faced and terrified. He makes sure to keep a good distance between him and my mother.

He sets down a jug of water and a loaf of stale looking bread in front of me. "I did nothing and knew nothing of this." He scurries away and shuts the door with a bang behind him.

I eat the bread, ignoring the burning pain that comes when I swallow a bite of food. The bread is stale, but it quickly fills my stomach. I feel sick, eating so much after starving for so long.

I grip the jug with quaking hands, careful to pour every last drop down my dry throat. The sensation of the cool water sliding down my throat is almost enough to make me moan. I finish it off quickly and know that if the empty jug is discovered, the kind guard could be killed.

I look around for a hard surface not too close to me or my parents.

With what little strength I have, I throw the jug hard against a wall. I make sure that it is broken beyond recognition before crawling back to my chains. I know they will restrain again and being dragged across the floor does not sound appealing.

I collapse against the wall, breathing heavily.

My eyelids flutter and I give in, letting the darkness consume me.

Their Enemies (sequel to Her Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now