It's me not you!

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Jimin drowned in his deep sea of thoughts when someone tapped his shoulder

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Jimin drowned in his deep sea of thoughts when someone tapped his shoulder. He flinched falling from the chair he sat on, landing on his butt. A hand appeared in his peripheral vision and he glanced up at the owner who tried hard to hold back his laughter.

"How do you still fall down from chairs Jimin? I'm surprised" Yoongi teased pulling him up as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Hyung it's not funny" he huffed with a pout.

"Come on Jimin" Yoongi chuckled pulling him closer, pecking his pouty lips. He gasped pushing him away.

"Hyung! Have you gone mad? Taehyung is still here! What if he saw us acting all mushy" Jimin warned creating some distance between them.

"Don't worry, I have found a way to end this hide and seek game Jimin_ah!" Yoongi smirked.

"How?" Jimin asked getting confused.

"Let's frame him" Yoongi sneered.

"Frame as in?" Jimin wondered.

"As your killer!" Yoongi deadspanned as if stating the obvious.

Jimin's eyes widened, he looked around to make sure no one heard them talking. He pulled Yoongi inside the room leaving the balcony they stood at, he glanced at the door to make sure it was locked. He sighed looking at the harmless looking cat in front of him.

"How could you say that hyung? I am not so selfish to trap someone innocent just for my benefit" Jimin trailed off.

"I'm sorry Jimin. I-I.... I didn't mean it like that" Yoongi gulped afraid of disappointing Jimin.

"Hyung please stop! Let's not talk about this. I can decide what's the best for me" Jimin snapped.

"I uh- I'll take my leave" saying so Yoongi rushed out of his room.

"Your suggestion was dumb hyung. Why would I frame him as my killer, when I can kill him myself!" Jimin slowly smirked, turning around, he stole a glance at the moon hidden behind the dark clouds.

"I will make you suffer, just like you did to me Kim Taehyung" Jimin mumbled with an evil grin.

Next day

Taehyung had to leave early today due to his meeting with a client early morning. He went towards Jimin's room peeking in, where he slept peacefully.

"I don't know what happened to us Jimin! I need you, please don't leave me" Taehyung sighed closing the doors going downstairs.

Jimin woke up after Taehyung left in his car. He ruffled his hair running fingers through the knots, trying to detangle them. He sighed looking out at the sky turning dark, maybe darker than his soul.

"I should get up and meet hyung. He's the one who can help me eliminate Taehyung from my life. I know you love me so much that you can kill for me!" he smirked getting up.

Caught in a Lie ~ Vminkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now