Chapter 47

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"We are making it," Jake's mom said in his ear. "In fact, more than making it. Cynthia gave me some money last weekend. Not that I really need it. I wish..."

"You do need it, Mom," Jake said. "And we owe you." He was walking through the edge of the refugee camp at Pamalap. It had grown into a regular town now, with several permanent buildings going up in the last two weeks. "But this isn't about that."

"They have other relief workers, you know," Mom commented. "You can take some time off now and then."

"I can't," Jake blurted out. "I mean, yeah I get what you are saying. It's not that. I know there are lots of other people. And I do take time off. I just can't leave right now. It's..."

He broke off, not sure how to explain. Ahead was a gathering of people. They were waving flags and chanting. It was a mirror protest, not that the refugees could do much to help those inside the country.

He could feel something in the air. They all could. The impasse would be broken one way or another, and soon. But when and how was anyone's guess.

And that's why Jake couldn't leave. Once the crisis was over he would gladly take a long vacation. But the thought that he might leave now and miss whatever was coming was unbearable.

"This crisis won't last forever. And I will come home. And I'm staying safe," he added. "And I know you miss us both." Cynthia had moved to Shoshone Station a couple of weeks ago, right after graduation.

"I do miss you both," mom admitted. "But I also worry that you are working too hard and have gotten yourself in too deep."

"I'll be fine mom," Jake said. "I got to go."

"Yeah, me too," Mom said. "I've got to start getting ready for work."

They both said their good byes and Jake heard a click as Mom shut down the connection on her side. On Jake's side, mom's voice had been holographically projected by his slate and there was no cord to pull out of his ear or anything to do. It was still disconcerting at times.

He turned and found a familiar presence at his side, Åse. She smiled. "Mommy's worried about her little boy," she joked.

He blushed and smiled back. "Yeah, I tell her not too, but you know how moms are."

"Yeah," she agreed. "My parents have been bugging me about coming home. I keep telling them I need to be here."

"Yeah, and we take time off. We aren't working too hard," Jake said as the two of them headed towards the protest. They did work hard, Jake had racked up a lot of overtime in the last few weeks. And made a half dozen drops as a smuggler, but that didn't count. Besides he was going somewhere with this right now. "In fact I was thinking if you had tomorrow evening off," he swallowed and fought down his nerves. "This refugee, Mama Ayo has opened a restaurant at the edge of town."

"Yeah, we've talked about checking it out one of these days. I can see if..."

"I thought... just us," Jake said quickly. He licked his lips and watched Åse carefully from the corner of his eyes.

She smiled and his nerves melted into a sudden rush of joy. "Just us? Like a date?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, something like that. If you want."

Her hand slid into his. "Yeah, I would."

Giddy with joy, Jake led her into the crowd.

"System message," a voice said in his ear. "Devaki."

Jake cussed to himself. But he couldn't not take it. "One minute," he said to Åse. He stepped out of the crowd. "Go ahead."

Devaki appeared promptly, projected on his slate. "Your drop go okay?" zie asked, hir voice nervous.

"Yeah, like clockwork. Why?"

"I just haven't heard from Gabriel yet."

Jake had done the drop last night. "When was he supposed to check in?"

"Two hours ago. He still might. I worry though."

Jake did too, now. "Yeah, keep me posted."

They broke the connection and Jake headed back into the crowd.

"Is there a problem?" Åse asked.

"Nothing," he lied. "Let's get something to drink." He nodded towards a stand selling drinks, hoping to get his mind off Gabriel for a moment. Surely the boy would check in soon.

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