Chapter 65

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Gabriel walked through the presidential estate, hand in hand with Devaki. It was silly, holding hir hand that way. He wasn't some baby. But he couldn't help it. To finally have hir here again with him, in person, it made him feel safe. And now that the fighting was dying down he could admit that it had been scary, a little bit anyway.

The Kurgara had barely had time to capture the first wave of guards before another orbital hopper had appeared. This one had announced its presence through a loud speaker, identifying itself as Consortium peacekeepers and demanding an immediate cessation of fighting. The guards had retreated into the estate and the Kuragara remained outside, watching the proceedings closely. The hopper landed and discharged a mixture of Consortium soldiers, UN peacekeepers and three men in military uniforms that marked them as members of Sierra Leone's army.

Lakora and one of her Kurgara went over to the men and spoke to them. Lakora went with the men inside the president's estate and the Kurgara returned with news.

"The generals have defected and a coup is in process. They will talk to Burundi now, negotiate a peaceful transition of power."

"He will never agree. He will fight to the end to keep his power." Bintu said. "That is why we need a revolution."

The Kurgara shrugged. "He doesn't have any choice now. The army was his last weapon to force his will on this country. Now that they've turned against him what can he do? He's only one man."

"But the generals? Do they really want change?"

"A few do. A few... know they are losing anyway. Better to be one of the heroes of the next part of history than the villain of this one."

It was then that Devaki took his hand and told Gabriel that what he'd done had been very brave, but very stupid, too. "You could have been killed, boy."

Gabriel didn't care. He would do it all over again, to have hir here and scolding him like that.

They walked around the garden that flanked the estate. Tamba had been shot many times by the guards. A group of Kurgara had gathered around him and they lifted him up on a stretcher. Gabby went to him. He had a device over his face, like an oxygen mask but there were no lines or tubes leading anywhere. He looked at them, his eyes glazed but awake.

"I said I'd give my life to change my country," he whispered.

Gabby nodded, tears filling his eyes.

"A noble sentiment," one of the Kurgara said, "but we are the best medics in either galaxy and we won't allow it."

"Good, he still owes me money," Bintu joked, taking Tamba's hand. "Get better comrade."

They made it all the way around the estate, to the front. A Consortium officer met them there.

"The situation?" Devaki asked.

"The guards know they can't win and are behaving. I heard that President Burundi started cussing up a storm until one of generals pointed out that they weren't negotiating whether he would stay in power, but rather if would concede power or be arrested as a traitor. That shut him up quick. Overall I'd say the situation is completely under control."

There was a loud bang as he said that, followed by the screech of metal. Gabriel looked to the front of the estate in time to see the metal gate giveaway under the weight of a massive Consortium transport truck.

"You shouldn't have said that," Devaki said, "Every soldier knows it's bad luck to say you are in control of the situation."

They all moved nervously to one side as the truck lurched its way up the road towards them. Several consortium soldiers appears out of the estate, investigating the disturbance.

Gabby's eyes were locked on the front of the truck. At the driver's wheel was Jake, the American that called Gabby "bro" and said he reminded him of his own little brother. On the other side was the blonde woman with the strange name that gave him chocolate. And between them, unbelievably, was his grandmother. 

She Bleeds for Us: The Galactic Consortium 3Where stories live. Discover now