It's quite unfortunate I played your game
for as long as I did.
I was a pawn far too long,
used to further your agenda
and protect your king.
I was sent to sacrifice,
but I made my way across the board.
And now,
now you must watch as the pawn
raises herself to a queen.
I will find all you tried to hide,
I will conquer all your hidden corners,
and I will take the king's crown.
I may be a pawn turned queen,
but I am powerful all the same.
You would be wise to bow at my feet-
before it's too late.
Poetrypoems that attempt to provide an insight into the enigma that is my mind as I splinter myself between realities, trying to make sense of the world around me -- I write of all my feelings, all my thoughts. Everything I experience and suffer, everythi...